To allow Dual Enrolled (DE) high school students the flexibility to select course times that work with their other activities but to ensure that they only register for courses that have been approved by their high schools and are on the approved Dual Enrollment Program list, students work with an assigned staff member for course registration.

Advisement Process for Dual Enrolled Students:

  • The students are advised by their high school guidance counselors.
  • The students are processed for admission through the Office of Academic Admissions.
    • Admissions maintains all Participation Agreements required by the Dual Enrollment Program. 
  • An assigned staff member is responsible for facilitating the registration process by entering courses into JagTrax and confirming any necessary course permissions in Banner.
  • For information about Dual Enrollment, visit the Office of Admissions, Dual Enrollment webpage.
  • For additional questions regarding the dual enrollment registration process, contact Jessica Lawler at