The Division of Sponsored Programs Administration and the Augusta University Research Institute serve as a central unit to coordinate and support Augusta University’s Internal and External Sponsored Projects.

The Division aims to identify, support, and advance opportunities for research, training, teaching, and scholarly activities by managing the entire lifecycle of sponsored project – from proposal and grant development and submission, to contract preparation, award management, and project close out management. The DSPA seeks to advance extramural support programs for the institution by providing administrative, informational, and logistical assistance to faculty and staff, while ensuring compliance with pertinent policies and regulations of the institution, extramural sponsors, and federal oversight agencies.

Contact Us

Sponsored Programs Admin.

Health Sciences Campus

Pavilion III

1474 Laney Walker Blvd.
Augusta, GA 30912

Room 3302


DSPA Department Meetings

Monthly Lecture Topics of Discussion

 July 2024

  • NIH Updates and Training Opportunities
  • Unallowable Costs
  • Cost Transfers
  • PeopleSoft Queries for Cost Transfers
Monthly Lecture Topics of Discussion

June 2024

  • NIH Updates and Training Opportunities
  • AURI Check Requests
  • Proposal Policy
  • Closeouts and Cost Overruns

May 2024

  • Interesting article to share
  • NIH stipend increases
  • Other Support (Current and Pending Support)

April 2024

  • Patient Care definition
  • Signature Process on Internal Forms – Post Award
  • Research Incentive Process

March 2024

Library Presentation

  • NIH Update
  • InfoEd Update
  • Key Reminders
  • Library Presentation – Public Access and Publications

February 2024

  • DSPA Staff Updates
  • UEIs and
  • NIH Updates
  • Functional Space Survey
  • InfoEd Updates
  • Research Retreat Reminder

January 2024

  • Internal Controls Overview
  • Recent audit cases
  • Research Retreat Reminder

december 2023

  • Updated Post Award Forms
  • SubProject Function in InfoEd
  • InfoEd Updates
  • Reminder – Training Opportunity

November 2023

  • Research Compliance Updates
  • Finance Office Changes
  • InfoEd Updates
  • Effort Reporting Regulations

October 2023

  • Research Compliance Updates
  • InfoEd Updates

September 2023

  • InfoEd Updates
  • Cost Sharing

August 2023

  • COI and Travel Updates – Laura Meyer-
  • InfoEd updates
  • Policy Updates

July 2023

Internal Audit Presentation

  • DSPA Staffing Updates
  • Internal Audit Presentation
  • Subrecipient Management
  • InfoEd updates

June 2023

CWE Presentation

  • Research Incentive Updates
  • Center for Writing Excellence Presentation
  • Annual Audit on Federal Awards
  • InfoEd updates

May 2023

  • Estimated Unobligated Balances
  • New Tool for Researchers
  • Switch to Portal view in InfoEd
  • InfoEd Updates - Research Town Hall

April 2023

CDAs, DUAs, and MTAs

DSPA IRB Presentation

  • Training Opportunities
  • IRB Office Presentation
  • OIC Office Presentation
  • DSPA updates on InfoEd

March 2023

  • About the New DSPA Operations Team
  • Redesign of Project/CFC Setup Process
  • InfoEd Updates

February 2023 

Contract Agreement Routing Checklist

AU Legal Contract routing form

  • DSPA Staffing Updates
  • Prior Approval
  • Updates from Office of Legal Affairs

January 2023 

Research Security Program

Space Density Reporting

  • DSPA Staffing Updates
  • HRSA EHBs system
  • New guidance document
  • Research Security Program Updates by Laura Meyer-Chapman
  • Space Density Reporting by Barbara Manley-Smith
  • Other announcements
December 2022 
  • Staffing Update for SVP of Research Office
  • DSPA Staffing Updates
  • Research Incentives
  • Residual Balance Accounts
  • InfoEd/eSproute updates
November 2022 
  • DSPA Staffing Updates
  • Overview of Indirect/F&A Costs
  • Updates on eSproute/InfoEd assessment
  • Other Announcements
October 2022
  • Training Opportunity
  • ATB Process Changes
  • Choosing the Right Role on NIH Applications
  • Updates on eSproute/InfoEd assessment
  • Other Announcements

  September 2022 

MTEC Consortium 

  • Training Announcements
  • MTEC Consortium (Monty Philpot)
  • eSproute/InfoEd (new view) – quick search
  • PeopleSoft Queries
  • Reporting Roles and Responsibilities
  • ePAR Payroll Distribution/Funding Changes

August 2022

IPSO Updates

  • Staffing Updates                                  
  • LD Newman and Jon Harwood - IPSO updates
  • Grant Finding Tools
  • Downtime
 JuLY 2022    
  • Staffing Updates                                  
  • FY2023 DSPA Budgets
  • Research Incentives update
  • Salary Cap Process
  • Signing Authority
  • Contract Routing
June 2022
  • Staffing Updates
  • LD Newman
  • Research Incentives update
  • NIH RPPR Changes
  • iLAB guide on "why my CFC isn’t in iLAB"
  • DSPA Works in Progress
May 2022
  • Pre-Award tips and reminders (eSproute/InfoEd)
  • Post Award – Fiscal year end reminders
April 2022
  • Pre-Award Temporary Staffing/Consultants
  • Pre/Post Award Process Updates
  • Northeastern University –A case of not having infrastructure before growth
  • Research Incentives
March 2022
  • Program Audits
  • Audit Case Study – NSF OIG Audit of USC
  • Pre and Post Award Announcements


DSPA Faculty Meetings

Monthly Lecture Topics of Discussion

 June 2024

  • NIH Updates and Training Opportunities
  • AURI Check Requests
  • Research Incentive Update
  • Overview of Key Changes from the Last 2 Years
  • Proposal Policy
  • Closeouts and Cost Overrun
may 2024
  • NIH Updates
  • Uniform Guidance Updates
  • Other Support (Current and Pending Support)

Monthly Lecture

APRIL 2024

Topics of Discussion
  • Overview of DSPA Meetings
  • NIH Updates
  • InfoEd Updates
  • Research Incentive Process

award icon Award Lifecycle

Find Funding

Develop & Submit Proposal

Award Setup

Award Management & Close Out

Our Goals

  • Provide effective support for the faculty and the institution in obtaining extramural project funding.
  • Support institutional goals regarding cost recovery, reduced cost sharing, consistent routing, and review and approval of proposals and agreements.
  • Support fiscal and administrative compliance with grant/contract regulations.
  • Provide training to the AU community relative to the requirements of managing sponsored program funding.
  • Provide effective institutional database and reporting services regarding sponsored programs and useful analytical and comparative reports.
  • Support the goals of the Senior Vice President for Research, the Augusta University Research Institute and other institutional offices.

Important Contacts

People working with chart, tablet, clipboard

Research Administration

Research Administration
Man inspecting documents

Pre-Award Services Staff

Pre-Award Services Staff
Person making notes on a document

Post-Award Services Staff

Post-Award Services Staff
DSPA Operations

DSPA Operations Staff

DSPA Operations Staff