Academic Advisement
Summerville Campus
Suite 262
What is an Academic Advisor?
An Academic Advisor assists a student in pursuing his/her educational goals, facilitating access to the full range of learning opportunities and services available at Augusta University.
The Academic Advisors are trained in their specific program areas as well as being cross-trained in other disciplines.
Academic Advisors cannot …
Who is my Academic Advisor?
Students are assigned an Academic Advisor based on their major. You can find your assigned advisor’s picture, email and phone number on the Staff page.
Reminder: The Academic Advisement Center advises all undergraduate students (including pre-admit majors like Pre-Nursing, Pre-Education, Pre-Social Work, etc.), post-baccalaureate students, and senior citizen audit students.
Am I required to meet with my advisor?
Students advised in the Academic Advisement Center are required to meet with their advisor once each semester for “next term advisement.” Students will not be able to register for next term courses without meeting with their advisor for mandatory advisement.
Do I need an appointment to see my advisor?
Students who feel that their questions can be answered quickly, within 15 minutes, should consider stopping by during their advisor's drop-in hours.
If you would like to speak more in-depth with your advisor, we encourage you to schedule an appointment. Students can view their advisors general appointment availability via Navigate.
Are there drop-in hours?
All advisors have drop-in hours for quick questions (i.e., questions that take less than 15 minutes to answer). To view your advisors drop-in hours, log into Navigate.
When do I schedule my "next term advisement" meeting?
You will receive an email from your Academic Advisor with information regarding next term advisement. Advisement for summer and fall occurs in the spring semester generally after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Advisement for spring occurs in the fall semester generally after Labor Day.
What can I expect from my advisement meeting?
Advisement meetings are intended to be collaborative in nature.
Students are encouraged to prepare for their advising appointment using the tips provided on the “Prepare for Registration” page.
Advisors play a crucial role in helping students navigate their degree plan; thus, it is imperative that students foster a sense of responsibility for their academic success and prepare accordingly.
At a minimum, students can expect to discuss current course progression, create a list of courses for next term registration, discuss program specific topics (i.e. pre-admit program applications, internships, undergraduate research, etc.), and discuss academic strategies for success.
What is JagTrax?
JagTrax is a web-based advisement tool that helps advisors and students “audit” academic progress towards degree completion and “plan” future coursework. The JagTrax audit provides information about degree requirements. Your audit is a planning tool and not an official certification of graduation.
Where can I see what classes are available/being offered?
The Schedule of Classes will allow you to see which courses are available/being offered by term. You can also view campus location and course restrictions for each course.
Course restrictions often refer to courses restricted to specific majors or student groups (LLC, Professional Scholars, Honors, etc.).
Can I register for more that 18 credit hours?
Augusta University believes a normal course load for an undergraduate student is between 15-18 hours. Undergraduate students who wish to register for more than 18 semester credit hours must receive an approval from either:
Per the AU catalog policy, a student may be approved to register for more than 18 hours only if:
View the policy in the University Catalog, located in "Undergraduate: Academic Regulations" and select "normal course load."
Does Augusta University require students to take a foreign language?
Foreign Language courses are not a requirement for Augusta university students; however, students have the option to choose a foreign language course to fulfill an Area C Humanities requirement (Area C is part of the core curriculum).
What are general electives?
Some majors may require elective courses but not all majors do. General electives are courses that are non-specific to your major but may be required to fulfill a degree requirement.
General electives complement your degree or could be used as an opportunity to explore another subject area of interest. There is no list of general electives. You will want to choose a complementary course of interest, view its pre-requisites via the University Catalog and ensure the course is being offered in the term you wish to take it via the Schedule of Classes.
Students should plan their electives in a manner that does not delay their graduation timeline. For example, do not take all electives in one semester but rather maintain a balance between major specific courses and electives.
Where can I find course descriptions?
If you are unsure of what content will be covered in a particular course, you can view the course description via the University Catalog.
What is a pre-requisite and a co-requisite?
Pre-requisite is a course that must be satisfactorily completed prior to taking another course. Pre-requisites may be found at the end of the course description in the University Catalog.
For example, if a student wishes to take ENGL 1102, the student must have first earned a grade of C or better in ENGL 1101.
Co-requisite is a course that must be taken together in the same term. Courses that require co-requisites are noted in course descriptions printed in the University Catalog.
What are core classes?
Core classes encompass general education requirements that provide students an opportunity to explore various disciplines and expand their knowledge. At Augusta University, all students are required to complete a group of general education courses known as the "Core Curriculum."
I am unsure about my major. What should I do?
Students considering a change of major should:
Once a student has determined a new major of interest, the student should work with their currently assigned Academic Advisor to complete a student records update form.
Students should be aware that their major will be changed effective the following academic term. For example, if a student changes their major halfway through the spring semester, their major will not be effectively updated in JagTrax until the start of the first summer session.
How can I resolve a hold preventing my registration?
Students are responsible for identifying their own holds via Pounce or JagTrax and should work to resolve them in a timely manner as most hold can take several days or weeks to resolve. Although not required, as a courtesy, your Academic Advisor may send you a reminder informing you of holds active on your account and how to resolve them.
A student can identify active holds on their account by following these steps:
Please view a full list of holds and which office to work with to resolve the hold on the Hold Information page,
How do I register?
See Registration Steps.
When is registration?
See Registration.
How can I view my schedule?
Log into POUNCE.
Click “Student.”
Click “Registration Menu.”
Click "Registration."
Select a term for registration.
Click “Register for Classes."
Select "Schedule and Options."
I am receiving a permission only error when attempting to register for a course. How do I resolve it?
A permissions error can appear if you are trying to register for a course that has been reserved for students in a specific population. For example, if you are not participating in a Living Learning Community and you attempt to register for a course reserved for students in this specific cohort, you may receive an error.
It is best to look at Schedule of Classes and the Reader Guide before setting up your registration shopping cart to make sure that you choose the courses that will not give you an error at a later time. The schedule of classes shows what courses are available to all students and which courses have specific restrictions next to each class time under notes.
How do I register if I am on a waitlist?
Log into POUNCE.
Click “Student.”
Click “Registration Menu."
Click "Register."
Select a term for registration.
Click "Register for Classes."
Click the action drop-down menu next to the wait listed course and select "Web Register."
Click "Submit."
The courses I discussed with my advisor are full. What can I do to register?
It is important that during an advisement session, students speak with their advisor about multiple options (where possible) for various core curriculum requirements. For example, there are multiple options to choose from for the humanities. Perhaps choose 3-4 humanities options that you might be interested in taking so that on registration day, you have a variety of options to choose from when building your schedule.
If a course is full and that course must be taken for your major, students are encouraged to wait list if the course has a wait list option. Wait listing does not guarantee you a seat in a course but it does give you the opportunity to register for a course should seats become available throughout the registration period.
How can I waitlist for a class?
Click the dropdown Action Menu next to the closed course you wish to waitlist.
Click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page.
The registration system is asking for a registration PIN. What does that mean and how do I get it?
All students advised in the Academic Advisement Center must receive a registration PIN from their Academic Advisor during an advisement appointment.
If you have not been advised, contact your Academic Advisor to be advised and receive your registration PIN.
What is add/drop and when is it?
Typically, the first week of every semester is the add/drop or schedule adjustment period. Students can modify their course registration as much as needed during this period.
During add/drop, if a student adds a course to their schedule and their tuition bill is updated, the student must be prepared to pay for the additional class by the end of business on the day the course is added to their schedule.
See Add/Drop & Withdraw.
What happens if I choose to withdraw after the add/drop period?
If a student chooses to withdraw from a course after the add/drop period, the student will receive a "W" on his/her academic transcript.
A "W" does not affect you GPA but does indicate that you withdrew before successfully completing the course.
A "W" may impact your financial aid; therefore, we advise you to speak with you Financial Aid Counselor before considering your withdrawal.
Will I get a refund if I drop a course during the add/drop period?
You will not face monetary penalty for making schedule changes during the add/drop period. Your fees will be updated based on any changes you make in your total registered credit hours. For example, if you were enrolled in 16 hours before the term start date and decide to drop down to 13 hours, you may get a refund. However, if you increase the credit hours you enrolled in after the semester start date, you will see a new balance to pay on your account.
How can I change a class?
See Registration Steps, page 3.
How do I withdraw from a course after add/drop?
What is the deadline to withdraw from a course?
The deadline for withdrawal is published on the University’s Academic Calendar for each semester.
When will my classes show up on D2L?
D2L should be active on the morning of the first day of class at 8am and it should reflect all courses a student is enrolled in for the current semester. If the student has adjusted their schedule (i.e. changed classes) during the first week, please allow a minimum of 24 hours to see an update on your D2L account.
If a student does not see any course material on D2L, the student can contact the professor via email. Professor’s emails can be located on the detailed schedule in POUNCE.
For students experiencing technical challenges accessing D2L, please contact IT Help Desk.
What is Academic Standing?
Academic standing is a reflection of how you are doing academically and is determined by how far you have progressed in your academic degree and what your GPA is.
Academic Probation -- Any undergraduate student whose institutional GPA at the end of a semester is below a 2.00 will be placed on Academic Probation. Students may continue to attend Augusta University but will need to seek additional academic assistance to ensure their progress towards good academic standing. Students should consult the Academic Success Center for tips and academic coaching to develop a plan for academic success.
Academic Suspension -- Students who are on probation and fail to meet the minimum GPA requirements per their progression level will be suspended. The mandatory minimum term of suspension is one semester.
Reinstatement after Suspension -- Students who wish to return after suspension can submit an appeal for reinstatement (see also Requesting Reinstatement from Academic Suspension on the University 101 page)
For additional information, please visit AU Catalog:
How can I regain HOPE scholarship?
Students can see up to date HOPE scholarship information on the Office of Financial Aid webpage.
Students are encouraged to speak with their Financial Aid Counselor about their questions related to financial aid.
How many withdrawals does AU allow?
Effective fall 2021, there is no longer a limit on how many courses a student can withdraw from. However, withdrawals can affect your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and may have negative implications on your financial aid. Please consult your advisor and the Office of Student Financial Aid before considering a withdrawal.
What happens if I withdraw after the withdrawal deadline?
A student who withdraws after the withdrawal deadline, receives a grade of Withdraw Fail (WF) except in cases of medical, hardship, or military withdrawal. WF grades will be treated as F grades for GPA calculations.
What is a withdrawal and how does it impact me? Are there different types of withdrawal?
Any course dropped after the add/drop period and before the withdrawal deadline is considered a withdrawal (W). It appears as a W on your transcript and counts in attempted hours. It does not impact your GPA but can impact other areas such as your financial aid, full-time status, and athletic eligibility. Therefore, students should consult their advisors, financial aid, and their athletic coach before considering a withdrawal.
Students facing external situations can choose to complete one of the following withdrawals from the university:
*Dean of Students office assists students who may want to request medical or hardship withdrawal on a case by case basis.*
What courses are required for me to graduate?
A bachelor’s degree at Augusta University consists of three main components regardless of the student’s major/career path and will generally culminate to 124 credit hours:
Major Requirements -- Each major has a different set of requirements that can be explored via AU Catalog under the Degrees and Majors tab; usually adds up to 60 credit hours
Wellness requirements -- 4 credit hours; noted at the end of each major requirement on Degrees and Majors tab on AU Catalog.
What is considered a full-time course load? Part-time? How does each affect a student?
A student registered for 12 or more credit hours is considered attending full-time. A student registered for less than 12 credit hours is considered attending part-time.
If you are a student athlete or living on campus (or both), you are required to attend full-time. For further information about campus housing, students can contact Housing and Residence life. Student athletes can contact the Athletics department.
Financial aid can also be impacted by a student’s full-time versus part-time status. For specific questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.
In order to graduate in four years, it is recommended students take 15-16 credit hours each term so that they may easily obtain 124 credit hours at the end of eight semesters (equivalent to four academic year). Students are typically required to earn 124 credit hours to graduate with a bachelor’s degree.
How do online classes work?
Online courses can have asynchronous or synchronous lectures.
Asynchronous online courses are taught completely online with no assigned meeting time.
Synchronous online courses are taught completely online; however, students may be required to report to an online platform (indicated by the professor) at a set time each week. For example, a course may be listed as “WEB” in the university schedule of classes but has a meeting time of 12-1250 PM.
How can I check my grades and GPA?
Log on to POUNCE.
Click “Student.”
Click "Student Records."
Click "View Unofficial Academic Transcript."
Can I retake a course and it replace my original grade?
Your JagTrax shows you multiple GPAs, one of which is institutional GPA. The institutional GPA will replace your grade but the overall GPA looks at the average of both attempts. Therefore, it is generally NOT recommended that you retake courses and your specific circumstance should be discussed with your Academic Advisor to reach an informed decision on whether to retake a course or not. Your Advisor will help you understand the positives and negatives of retaking a course.
What is the process for transferring to another institution?
You can request your AU transcript to be sent to your future transfer school via POUNCE > Student > Student Records > Request official transcript.
Each school has different requirements for their transfer applicants so that should be discussed with your future school’s admissions office.
Does AU accept AP/IB/Dual Enrollment Credits?
Augusta University does accept Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and dual enrollment credits.
Students should become familiar with the Credit by Examination page found on the Admissions website. This website shows you what credits are accepted for AP/IB and various other examinations for credit.
Students wishing to transfer dual enrollment credits from another institution to Augusta University should utilize the Transfer Equivalency Guide to determine what courses will transfer directly to Augusta University. Keep in mind that a course may transfer to Augusta University but may not fulfill a degree requirement for your specific major.
Should a student have questions about how their dual enrollment credit will transfer, the student should consult the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Students may also find the information found on the Admissions website regarding Transfer Credit.
How can I register at another institution for that summer?
Students wishing to remain enrolled at Augusta University but who are planning to take a course at another institution with the intention of transferring that credit back to Augusta University are considered transient students.
Students interested in taking a course outside of AU must complete a transient permission form. You can access the transient request form by going to Registrar’s webpage, click on Forms and scroll down to “Request for Transient Permission.”
Students should check with the transient institution about course availability and when and how to register.
How do I know which textbooks are required for my classes?
Each professor decides what textbooks are required for the particular course they are teaching. Students can see the required textbooks on the RoarStore website by following the steps below:
Please note the Jag Compare feature allows you to look at textbook prices for RoarStore and several online textbook sites such as Amazon.
Where do I get a parking permit?
All students must have their current vehicle registered with the parking office in order to park on campus. Parking registration instructions can be found on the Parking Office website.
Additionally, Student Guide to Parking has parking rate, tips on where to park if you are on different AU campuses, and tips for residential versus commuter students.
What is a JagID/JagCard and where do I get one?
Each accepted student will need a JagCard to access university buildings and events. To obtain yours, please follow instructions provided on the JagCard Office website.