IT’S on US Jag Nation to bring awareness to Sexual Assault and Dating and Domestic Violence on our campus and across our community!

Observed in April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), is an annual campaign to raise awareness of sexual assault, honor survivors and educate communities on how to prevent sexual violence. Taking the lead on sexual assault awareness and education on campus is the Augusta University Title IX Office, with the collaboration of community organizations and campus partners. 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), observed in October, was launched nationwide in 1987, as a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence issues while raising awareness for those issues. During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Augusta University Title IX office holds workshops and seminars focusing on healthy relationships.

Why I Stayed
SAAM Clothesline Project
Title IX at basketball game

Contact Us

Title IX Sexual Misconduct

Health Sciences Campus

Annex I

SUITE 3135

Julie Kneuker


Monday-Friday- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

File a Report Online

For emergencies, please call

Annual Events

 Clothesline Project

T-shirts displayed featuring messages and illustrations designed by survivors. Locations: Forest Hills Campus; Health Sciences Campus (Jaguar Park); Summerville Campus (History Walk & Allgood Hall)

 Healthy Relationships Workshop

Engaging and educational discussions on forming and maintaining healthy romantic and platonic relationships.


AU athletic events bringing awareness to sexual violence.

 #Why I Stayed Interactive Display

Leaving an abusive relationship is very difficult. This interactive display impactfully shows just how complex of a challenge it can be while also providing resources and support.

 Take Back the Night

Collaboration of community and campus organizations ready to take a stand against sexual violence. Speeches and testimonies, tabling, resources, and a candlelight vigil. Location: History Walk on Summerville Campus

 Wellness Wednesday

To bring awareness to sexual assault, healthy relationships and sexual health, Jags Live Well host resource fairs throughout the month of October and April featuring campus and community partners, activities, giveaways, and food.

 Alpha Chi Omega Walk-A-Mile

A 1- mile walk/run fundraiser to stop sexual assault, and domestic and dating violence. Location: Summerville Campus, near the Grove.

SAAM Clothesline
Title IX Staff
Student writing on sidewalk with chalk