Institutional Effectiveness develops and maintains analytics solutions for Augusta University in a secure environment where internal audiences (e.g., faculty, staff, leaders) can securely access analytics to support planning and decision making.
Academic Program Profiles Collection Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To report undergraduate and graduate level academic program information |
College Profiles Collection Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To show academic college at a time to easily view various metrics’ trends (i.e., to view the story for that individual college) |
Current Faculty Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To give an overall look at current faculty counts and FTEs, grouped and filtered in various ways (tenure status, academic rank, etc.) |
Academic Program Profiles Collection Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To report undergraduate and graduate level academic program information |
BCSSE Trends 2016-2018 Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To present the 2016-2019 Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement's results to Augusta University leadership in a consumable, interactive, and relevant way so that the results will be embedded in Annual Unit Plans | Credit Hour Summary - As of Yesterday Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To understand enrolled student credit hours from a University System of Georgia Formula Funding perspective. The data in this workbook is sourced from the data warehouse and is up-to-date as of yesterday |
Credit Hour Summary - Official USG Data Access: Public Purpose: To understand enrolled student credit hours from a University System of Georgia Formula Funding perspective. The data in this workbook consists of official data from the University System of Georgia |
Enrollment Snapshot Collection Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To visualize comparisons of enrollment counts for a given fall, spring and summer semesters to support resource planning |
Freshman ProfileAccess: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To help faculty gain a comprehensive understanding of incoming freshmen by providing an overview of the demographic, geographic, and admissions characteristics of these students |
Graduation Exit Survey Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To assess undergraduate and graduate level students who are finishing their programs on their post-graduation plans |
NSSE Trends 2016-2020 Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To visualize Augusta University's results from the National Survey of Student Engagement hosted by Indiana University |
Student Affairs Overview Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To give an overview of Student Affairs by telling the story surrounding the Student Affairs Office and its constituent units |
Student Affairs - Creating a Student-Centered Campus Purpose: COMING SOON |
Student Success Collection Purpose: To visualize retention, persistence and progression to graduation among freshman cohorts from Fall 2014 to the present. |
Admissions Snapshot Collection Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To track admissions trends leading up to the semester |
State of Georgia Impact Access: Public Purpose: To understand Augusta University's impact on Georgia over time to make decisions to improve institutional planning and/or business operations |
Current Faculty Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To give an overall look at current faculty counts and FTEs, grouped and filtered in various ways (tenure status, academic rank, etc.) |
Student Finance - Drop for Non-Payment Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To visualize student payment activity by head count, tuition + fee balance, non-payment, saved count, drop count and remainders |
Student Finance - Waivers Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To visualize waiver trends by various student attributes (program, student type, campus, etc.) |
University Finance - Budget to Actuals Access: AU Leadership Purpose: To visualize total expenditures, percent of original budget spent, and remaining budget across 2020 through 2024 fiscal years for Augusta University |
Human Resources Turnover Purpose: COMING SOON |
Academic Program Profiles Collection Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To report undergraduate and graduate level academic program information |
Institutional Admissions Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To offer accessible admissions data for faculty, staff, and leadership |
Institutional Enrollment Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To offer accessible enrollment data for faculty, staff, and leadership |
College Profiles Collection Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To show academic college at a time to easily view various metrics’ trends (i.e., to view the story for that individual college) |
College Scorecards Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To understand and report quarterly the college Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) aligned with Augusta University's Strategic Priorities | Creating A Legacy Scorecard Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To quickly communicate the overall progress of each Key Performance Indicator for the AU Strategic Plan "Creating A Legacy" |
Creating A Legacy Scorecard - Mobile Version Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To quickly communicate the overall progress of each Key Performance Indicator for the AU Strategic Plan "Creating A Legacy" | Freshman ProfileAccess: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To help faculty gain a comprehensive understanding of incoming freshmen by providing an overview of the demographic, geographic, and admissions characteristics of these students | Carnegie Classification - Doctoral Degrees Conferred Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To understand trends of doctoral degrees conferred in humanities, social science, STEM, and other fields such as business or education |
Research Expenditures - Official Data Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To show trends for AU, USG, and all higher education institutions combined |
Research Expenditures - Official Data Access: Faculty/Staff Purpose: To show trends for AU, USG, and all higher education institutions combined |
Carnegie Classification - Doctoral Degrees Conferred Purpose: To understand trends of doctoral degrees conferred in humanities, social science, STEM, and other fields such as business or education |
College Profiles Collection Purpose: To show academic college at a time to easily view various metrics’ trends (i.e., to view the story for that individual college) |
College Scorecards Purpose: To understand and report quarterly the college Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) aligned with Augusta University's Strategic Priorities |
Credit Hour Summary - Official USG Data Purpose: To understand enrolled student credit hours from a University System of Georgia Formula Funding perspective. The data in this workbook consists of official data from the University System of Georgia |
Current Faculty Purpose: To give an overall look at current faculty counts and FTEs, grouped and filtered in various ways (tenure status, academic rank, etc.) |
Freshman ProfilePurpose: To help faculty gain a comprehensive understanding of incoming freshmen by providing an overview of the demographic, geographic, and admissions characteristics of these students |
How do I get in touch with you about creating a dashboard for my department or access to
Please email all analytics inquiries to |
What is your dashboard building process?
Our process is guided by our Analytics Project Checklist consisting of 4 phases: Discovery + Planning, Design + Development, Testing + Approval and Communications + Operations. |
Can I download or save any of these tools for reference?
Yes, this article provides step by step instructions on how to download for future use.