During registration and add/drop periods, student registration can be updated via POUNCE. Priority registration occurs two business days before the first day of registration. You must be assigned to a priority group by this time. During the first three days of registration, eligible time slots are assigned by a student's class level which is specified below. On these days registration opens at 8:00am and closes at 11:59pm each day of registration. After this three day period, registration remains open 24 hours until the payment deadline.
Registration for Summer and Fall semesters begin in March. Registration for Spring semesters begin in October. Late registration for all semesters closes on the final day of the add/drop period.
During the first week of registration, eligible time slots are assigned by a student's class level. If a student does not register on their respective day listed below, this does not mean the student is late for registration as registration remains open for students through the first day of class of the next semester. Students are eligible to register as follows:
The "Prepare for Registration" menu shows the student's information, including any registration holds that may prevent the student from moving forward with registration. If the student's status on the screen is marked green, the student is all clear for registration. If any of the items are red, the student needs to contact the appropriate office to resolve their status prior to registration.
Additionally, in this menu, the student is also able to see any permit overrides for registration that they may have been granted. Permit overrides allow for students to bypass a pre-requisite or co-requisite needed for a course, likely due to an exam or placement testing score received. Beneath the permit overrides section (if a student has any) are the student's earned hours of credit, including transfer credits for transient students, and their class standing for registration purposes.
The "Planning Ahead" menu allows for students and advisors to create, edit, or delete a registration plan. Students and advisors can search for classes to add to a plan for registering in future terms. Students can complete registration from one of their pre-made plans in this menu instead of manually inputting courses to register.
When classes are added to a student's schedule, they will show up in a summary window in the bottom right corner of your screen. To officially register for the course, be sure to click "submit". The courses in the summary window need to say "registered" and not "pending" under the status column. You can register for classes by adding the CRNs directly or register from any saved plans created in the "Plan Ahead" menu.
Students can also view a week-at-a-glance in the bottom left corner of the screen as classes are added to the schedule. This will ensure there are no time conflicts with the student's schedule. You can hover over a course in this menu to view the class information.
When can I register for classes?
Registration information can be found on the Academic Calendar and in the top section of this page.
How can I register to audit a class?
Register for the course in pounce. Contact the Registrar's Office at registrar@augusta.edu from your AU email address to request the course be changed to audit. Only courses approved for the audit grade mode may be audited.
Who is eligible for priority registration?
These student groups are eligible for priority registration: Athletics, Cheerleaders, Disability Services, Honors Program, Military and Veterans Affairs, Nursing Scholars, Professional Scholars, and ROTC students.
What does the error mean when I try to register?
Please refer to the Registration Error Messages guide.
I am logged in during my registration period but don't see where to enter my courses?
If you are an undergraduate student with less than 60 credit hours and advised in the advisement center, make sure you're following these steps to register through Academic Advisement. Be sure you are in the correct term, check the browser window under your name to ensure it has the correct term of registration. If not, go back to the Registration link and click "Select Term".
I am a Transient student. Why am I getting a registration error for a course I took at my home institution?
Transient students often receive a “prerequisite error” when trying to register. As Academic Admissions does not evaluate or provide credit for courses completed at home institutions for students with a transient status, those students must request permission from the department that owns the course to gain entry.
I am a Post-Baccalaureate student. Why am I getting a registration error?
Post-Baccalaureate students often receive a “prerequisite error” when trying to register. Students must request access from the department that owns the course to gain entry.
I am a Dual Enrolled student. How can I register for classes?
How do I pay my bill?
Your bill can be paid via POUNCE. Please contact the Business Office for more information regarding payment.
If I do not intend to pay, do I need to drop/withdraw from classes?
Non-payment of fees does not automatically result in being dropped or withdrawn from classes. You need to check your account in POUNCE to review the status of your courses.
What is the difference between Add/Drop and Withdrawal?
The add/drop time is when a student can drop and add courses without penalty during the designated drop/add period for each semester or term within a semester. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. A course that is dropped during this period will not generate an official record of enrollment in the class.
Withdrawal period is after the add/drop period has ended for the semester. Students submitting a course Withdrawal for courses will be graded with a W and no refund will be generate unless withdrawing from all courses. Withdrawing after the "Last Day to Receive a W" will result in a grade of WF. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates..