The Event's Guest Speaker: Dr. Stephen Chew

Dr. Stephen Chew
Stephen L. Chew has been a professor and chair of psychology at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama since 1993. Trained as a cognitive psychologist, one of his primary research areas is the cognitive basis of effective teaching and learning. His research interests include the use of examples in teaching, the impact of cognitive load on learning, and the tenacious misconceptions that students bring with them into the classroom. He is best known as the creator of a groundbreaking series of YouTube videos for students on how to study effectively in college based on cognitive research. Dr. Chew will facilitate 3 of our events which include an Educational Health Sciences Grand Rounds, a workshop and a student perspectives forum. 






Education Grand Rounds:  What Learning Science Says (and Doesn’t Say) about Developing Critical Thinking | Stephen Chew, PhD


An example-filled hour illustrating what we assume about learning needs to be challenged


Echo Recording


Workshop:  Improving Student Performance by Addressing Student and Teacher Misconceptions about Learning |Stephen Chew, PhD


An interactive consideration of what we think we know about learning and what the science supports




Roundtable Discussions: From Learning Concepts to Practice


·     Diagnostic Decision Making and Minimizing Errors | COL Dean A. Seehusen, MD, MPH

·     Resiliency – What It Is and Isn’t |Amy S. House, PhD; Alex P. Mabe, PhD; Michael Rollock, PhD

·     Student Study Tools |Cole Phillips, BS


Brief introductions to issues and solutions on topics impacted by how we think, learn, and act

Diagnostic Decision Making-PowerPoint





Study Tools-PowerPoint


Study Tools-Handout


Epic Raft Battle (Debate):   Invest Resources in the Teacher or Technology  |  Tasha Wyatt, PhD & Ralph A. Gillies, PhD


A rowdy debate in the traditions of raft debates and epic rap battles on the allocation of resources toward education




Student Perspective Forum:  How to Study Long and Hard and Still Fail; or How to Get the Most Out of Studying |Stephen Chew, PhD


An open discussion about education and learning emphasizing the student perspective




MedEd Talks:   Beyond the Content to the Whole Person and Community

·        Resiliency                        | Sean Javaheri, MD

·        #whatadoctorlookslike | Lindsay West PhD

·        Stop the Lecture            | Dan Kaminstein, MD

·        Arts in Learning             | Karl Purdy, MM


Thought-provoking commentaries on what influences on our learning


#whatadoctorlookslike- PowerPoint


Stop the Lecture-PowerPoint



Poster Session & Education-Related Information Tables|
AU Faculty, Staff and Students


Interactive session to highlight education-related research, innovation, and resources.



Flyers (click on each flyer for a pdf version)

Dr. Chew Education Grand Rounds
Roundtable-Education Day

Education Day-Raft Debate
Education Day-Med Ed Talk

 Education Day-Poster Session

 Education Day Agenda

Click here for archived health sciences education day page from 2016.