Augusta University uses the 4.00 grade point average system as required by the University System of Georgia. Grades are calculated and truncated at two significant digits. This policy relates grade points to grade letters and defines symbols and terms approved for use in grading at Augusta University.
Final grades must be entered by the primary instructor via POUNCE by the grading deadline each semester. Grades are then reported by the Registrar's Office and made available to students via POUNCE.
Faculty Instructions for entering grades via POUNCE will be emailed to primary instructors from each semester prior to the grading deadline.
Withdrawal Failure *
* WF indicates that a student withdrew or was withdrawn after the published withdrawal
Continued Progress
CP indicates continued progress for students enrolled in the Medical College of Georgia.
I indicates that a student was doing satisfactory work, but for non-academic reasons beyond his/her control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. If an "I" is not satisfactorily removed after one semester, the symbol "I" will be changed to the grade "F" by the Registrar in accordance with Policy 3.4.3 – Incomplete Grade Policy.
In Progress
IP indicates that credit has not been given in courses that require a continuation of work beyond the term for which the student signed up for the course. The use of this symbol is approved for dissertation and thesis hours and project courses. This symbol cannot be substituted for an "I".
Credit by Exam
K indicates that a student was given credit for the course via credit for prior learning (CLEP, AP, Proficiency, etc.).
Not Reported
NR indicates a grade was not reported by the grade deadline. The grade of "NR" is only used by the Office of the Registrar and is a temporary grade which will be changed to a grade of "F" if a final grade is not reported for the student within one semester.
S indicates that credit has been given for completion of degree requirements other than academic course work. The use of this symbol is approved for dissertation and thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, internship, and proficiency requirements in graduate and first-professional programs. Exceptions to the use of this symbol for academic course work must be submitted by the Office of Vice President for Academic and Faculty Affairs to the USG chief academic officer for approval.
U indicates unsatisfactory performance in an attempt to complete degree requirements other than academic course work. The use of this symbol is approved for dissertation and thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, internship, and proficiency requirements in graduate and first-professional programs. Exceptions to the use of this symbol for academic course work must be submitted by the Office of Vice President for Academic and Faculty Affairs to the USG chief academic officer for approval.
V indicates that a student was given permission to audit this course. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. Students may register, however, on a credit basis for a course that has previously been audited.
W indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty. Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after the mid-point of the total grading period, including final examinations, except in cases of medical, hardship, or military withdrawal as defined below.
WA indicates a withdrawal.
WH indicates that a student was approved to withdraw for hardship reasons.
WM indicates that a student who withdrew is active duty military personnel, military reservists (including members of the National Guard), or a commissioned officer of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC) who received temporary assignment duty or mandatory training that would prevent the student from completing the semester.
A student who is doing satisfactory work, but for non-academic reasons beyond his/her control is unable to meet the full requirements of the course, may be assigned an incomplete ("I") grade.
A Justification for Incomplete Grades Form must be completed via POUNCE to assign the incomplete grade and must include a justification.
A student who has received an "I" grade has one additional semester to complete the required work and to receive a final grade. A Grade Change Form is required to remove the incomplete and assign the final grade. Any incomplete grade not removed after the next semester will be converted to an "F" grade.
When are grades due?
Deadlines for grade submission are posted on the Academic Calendar.
How do I know my grades have been submitted?
Once all grades are entered for a particular section, you will receive an email confirmation that you have completed grading for that section. You will not receive an email confirmation if a grade has been left blank or if you have not submitted an online justification form.
How do I change a grade after I have submitted or posted them but before the grade submission deadline passes?
If the original grade has not been rolled to academic history, then you can update the grade in POUNCE. If the grade has been rolled to history, then you must submit a grade change form.
What if I do not submit my grades on time?
If grades are not submitted by the deadline, then all students are given NR (Not Reported) grades. Any grades not submitted by the grading deadline will need to be processed as if they were grade changes, using individual Grade Change Forms.
What if there is a class missing from my list of available classes for which to submit grades?
If the class does not appear on your drop-down list, you have not been assigned to the class in Banner.
What if there is a student missing from my grade roll, and I would like to give them a grade?
If a student does not appear on your class list, then the student is not officially registered in the class. Students who are not officially registered are not entitled to receive grades and should not have been permitted to attend. Students may be referred to the Registrar’s Office to resolve enrollment questions. Registration is not permitted after the add/drop period is over.
What if there is a student listed on my grade roll that has never attended or stopped attending my class?
If a student has registered for a course, but has not completed any of the coursework, then the appropriate grade for that student is "F." You may not leave this student's grade blank. You will not be allowed to approve your grade roster without entering a grade for each student on the roster.