David Wolff, PhD

Assistant ProfessorDavid Wolff, PhD

Research Summary

Dr. David Wolff received a PhD in Cancer Biology from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY in 2017. He received postdoctoral training at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, and at Duke University in Durham, NC. Dr. Wolff also worked as a visiting researcher at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, NC. During his postdoctoral studies, he contributed to our understanding of how GTP production is spatially regulated in cancer, and how this regulation contributes to cancer cell invasion. The Wolff laboratory focuses on further understanding the role of GTP synthesis in promoting cancer progression and metastasis, and utilizes fluorescent intracellular probes to study how the intracellular architecture of GTP metabolism influences cancer cell phenotypes.

Contact Us

The David Wolff Lab

Health Sciences Campus

Georgia Cancer Center - M. Bert Storey Research Building

1410 Laney Walker Blvd., CN-2125, Augusta, GA 30912


Research Interests

Primary Areas of Interest: biochemistry, molecular biology, cancer biology

Cancer Diseases of Interest: melanoma

Other Diseases of Interest

Research Methodologies: fluorescence microscopy, animal tumor models, mammalian cell culture

Current Research Project(s)/Grant(s): Interrogating the role of GTP metabolism in Rac1-driven phenotypes in melanoma (NCI K99/R00)