The Specialized Tactics for Operational Rescue and Medicine (STORM) family of training courses use science, competency and evidence-based standards for Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) methodology as its foundation. The courses are based on the 17 critical competency domains and learning objectives for TEMS training established by the National TEMS Council (NTEMSC). The NTEMSC is a national body of tactical medicine subject matter experts representing dozens of law enforcement, fire, and EMS agencies at the federal, state, and local level.
History: The Center of Operational Medicine (COM) within the Department of Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services at the MEdical College of Georgia at Augusta University has a long history of providing medical training and operational support to law enforcement and the Department of Defense. Many of our faculty, residents, and prehospital personnel/instructors have extensive tactical medicine experience, including service as sworn law enforcement officers, SWAT medics and physicians, Special Forces, and special mission unit operators.