Within Curriculog, there are several Approval Processes available to users at Augusta University. An Approval Process is comprised of two parts:
Each approval process within Curriculog contains steps or a workflow specific to the proposal. Users are assigned roles within Curriculog according to their position at Augusta University. Based on these roles, users are then inserted into a step within the workflow.
See the Curriculog Roles and Responsibilities document for details on: (1) each Role within Curriculog, (2) that role’s Responsibilities, (3) which Proposals the role is involved in, (4) the role’s Workflow Location (or chronological placement in the approval steps), and (5) the Role Type (e.g., originator, reviewer, approver, or implementation).
See the Curriculog Terminology document for commonly used words or phrases used throughout.
Click on the links below to view the following Instruction Guides for using Curriculog:
Note: See the Proposal Forms webpage for instruction guides to create proposals.