Justine Abais-Battad, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Amy Abdulovic-Cui, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Abiodun Akinuwuntan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Ahmed Aleroud, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Kelly Allen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: EdS Advanced Educational Studies, EdD Educational InnovationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Kimberly Allen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Satyanarayana Ande, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Brian Annex, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Benjamin Ansa, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Ali Arbab, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Pachiappan Arjunan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Paul Attie, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Clement Aubert, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Babak Baban, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Oral Biology, PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Zsolt Bagi, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Andrew Balas, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MPHCollege: School of Public Health
Jennifer Baltzegar, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Amanda Barefield, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: MPHCollege: School of Public Health
Kim Barker, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MEd Instruction, EdD Educational InnovationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Scott A. Barman, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Manuela Bartoli, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Peter Basciano, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MBACollege: Hull College of Business
Alicia Becton, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd Counselor EducationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Amanda Behr, MAGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Medical IllustrationCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Eric Belin de Chantemele, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Teal Benevides, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Desiree Bertrand, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
David T. Blake, Jr., PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Lori Bolgla, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Wendy B. Bollag, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, MS Oral Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Matteo Borgini, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Jennifer Bradford, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Michael W. Brands, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Molly Braun, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Valia Bravo-Egana, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
James Brinson, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Darren D. Browning, MS, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Shannon Broxton, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Waylon Brunette, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Computer Science, PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Max Bursey, DOGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Konstantin Busch , PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Patricia L. Cameron, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Esteban Celis, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Ahmed Chadli, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jian-Kang Chen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jie Chen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD BiostatisticsCollege: School of Public Health
Weiqin Chen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jianzhong Chen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Yen-Hoa Chen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Cynthia C. Chernecky, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Wan Tien "Austin" Chiang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Bogdan Chlebus, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Raymond Kwong-Yew Chong, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Nicholas Colgrove, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Graeme Connolly, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS KinesiologyCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Pamela Cook, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Jorge Cortes, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Steven Coughlin, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
John Cowell, DSCIGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Michelle Cox-Henley, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Christine Craddock, EdDGraduate Program Affiliations: MEd Leadership, MEd InstructionCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Pamela Cromer, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Gabor Csanyi, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Yan Cui, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Mustafa Culha, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Tiana Curry-McCoy, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Christopher Cutler, DDS, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Oral Biology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Rafael Czepielewski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Charles Darracott, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS KinesiologyCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Biplab Datta, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Catherine Davis, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Julia Quentin Davis, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Gianluca De Leo, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Ferenc Deak, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Richard Deaner, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd Counselor EducationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Krishnan Dhandapani, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Han-Fei Ding, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Atanaska Dobreva, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biological and Computational MathematicsCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Kevin Donbin, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD BiostatisticsCollege: School of Public Health
Yanbin Dong, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Zheng Dong, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Gokila Dorai, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Quansheng Du, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Anterpreet Dua, MBBSGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Harley Eades, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Gordon Eisenman, EdDGraduate Program Affiliations: MEd Leadership, MEd Instruction, EdS Educational LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Alicia Elam, PharmDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Ahmed Elmarakby, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Oral Biology, PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Ali Eroglu, DVM, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Onyeka Ezenwoye, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Fan Fan, BMeDSc, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Xingjun Fan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jessica Faulkner, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jessica Filosa, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Richard Franza, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MBACollege: Hull College of Business
Tohru Fukai, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
David J. Fulton, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Sadanand Fulzele, DVM, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Denotra Gaillard, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Lin Gan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Vijay Ganta, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Santu Ghosh, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD BiostatisticsCollege: School of Public Health
Robert Gibson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Lynn Glenn, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Lynn Glenn, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Evan Goldstein, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Biomolecular Science, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Graydon Gonsalvez, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Daniel Greene, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS KinesiologyCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Sara Guediche, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Reed Halterman, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
William "Bill" Hamilton, EdDGraduate Program Affiliations: Doctor of Nursing Practice, PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Rebecca Harper, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd InstructionCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Mark Harris, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Ruth Harris, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Ryan Harris, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Priscilla W. Hartley, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Joseph Hauger, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Yukai He, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology,PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Vahe Heboyan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MPHCollege: School of Public Health
Catherine "Lynn" Hedrick, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jay Hegde, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
David C. Hess, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Vascular Biology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jessica Hoffman, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Biomolecular Science, PhD Genomic Medicine, PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, PhD PhysiologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Anatolij Horuzsko, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Stephen D. Hsu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Oral Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Tianxiang Hu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Hanwen Huang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD BiostatisticsCollege: School of Public Health
Huang Huang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Yuqing Huo, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Mohamed Ibrahem, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Computer Science, PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Daria Ilatovskaya, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Carlos M. Isales, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Cheedy JaJa, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Ravirajsinh Jadeja, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Catherine Jauregui, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Deborah Jehu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Michael Jensen, MSGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Medical IllustrationCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Kai Jiao, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Robin Johns, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
J. Aaron Johnson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
John A. Johnson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Theodore Johnson, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Thomas Joshua, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Mohsen Jozani, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Seungwoo Kang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Zubair Karim, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Balveen Kaur, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Pamalyn Kearney, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Zachary Kelehear, EdDGraduate Program Affiliations: EdD Educational Innovation, EdS Educational LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Chung Sub Kim, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Kimberly Kimble-Rodriguez, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Molly Kindred, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS KinesiologyCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Sergei A. Kirov, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
AJ Kleinheksel, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Applied Health Sciences, EdD Educational InnovationCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Nate Koerber, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: EdS Advanced Educational StudiesCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Antonia Kolokythas, DMD, MSeDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Hasan Korkaya, DVM, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Dariusz Kowalski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
David J. Kozlowski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Piotr Krysta, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
David Krzywanski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Nai-Cheng Kuo, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd InstructionCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Zoya Kurago, DDS, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Abdullah Kutlar, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Kenneth Kwon, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Nevin A. Lambert, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Dawn Langley-Brady, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: Doctor of Nursing Practice, PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Paul Langridge, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Lawrence Clarke Layman, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Ellen K. LeMosy, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Leigh Lehman, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Jonathan Leightner, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MBACollege: Hull College of Business
Klaus Ley, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Hedong Li, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Honglin Li, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jie Li, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Darla Linville, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: EdS Educational Leadership, MEd Counselor EducationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Kebin Liu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Yutao Liu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Balakrishna Lokeshwar, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer Biology College: Medical College of Georgia
Vinata B. Lokeshwar, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Xiaochun Long, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Xin-Yun Lu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Neuroscience, PhD Pharmacology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Rudolf Lucas, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Vascular Biology, PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Vivian Lui, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Neil MacKinnon, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Applied Health Sciences, MS EpidemiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
J. Rodway Mackert, Jr., DMD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Hoda Maleki, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Mykola Mamenko, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Santhakumar Manicassamy, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Morganne Manuel, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Teresa Marin, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Pamela Martin, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
David Mattson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
W. Vaughn McCall, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Lynnette P. McCluskey, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Physiology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Meghan McGee-Lawrence, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Richard Alan McIndoe, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Caroline McKinnon, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Barbara McLear, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Simon Medcalfe, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MBACollege: Hull College of Business
Mohamed Meghil, DDS, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Oral Biology and Maxillofacial PathologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Steffen Meiler, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Regina L. Messer, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Joseph Miano, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Laurence Miller, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: School of Science and Mathematics
Star Mitchell, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Nahid F. Mivechi, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Henry Moon, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Andrew Moore, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS KinesiologyCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Danielle Mor, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Ana Carolina Morandini, PhD, MDS, DDSGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Rhia Moreno, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: EdS Advanced Educational Studies, EdD Educational InnovationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
John Christopher Morgan, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Shogo Mori, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Deborah Morowski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Dimitrios Moskophidis, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Mahmood Mozaffari, DMD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Oral Biology, PhD PharmacologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
David H. Munn, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Brian Muntean, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Elizabeth NeSmith, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Nursing, Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Renee Neal, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Tran Nguyen, DPHGraduate Program Affiliation: MPHCollege: School of Public Health
Jorge Nochebuena Hernandez, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: Ms Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Michael Nowatkowski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Eric Numfor, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biological and Computational MathematicsCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Paul O'Connor, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Philip O'Herron, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Lorraine Odhiambo, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Benard Ogola, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jason Orlosky, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber Sciences College: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Marco Orrecchioni, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Vascular Biology, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Olusegun Michael Otunuga, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biological and Computational MathematicsCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Betty Pace, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Christi Pace, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Rafal Pacholczyk, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Steven Page, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS KinesiologyCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Siva S. Panda, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Nisha Panwar, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber Sciences College: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Gregory G. Passmore, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Tadd Patton, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Beth Pendergraft, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Corey Peterson, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing Practice College: College of Nursing
Puttur Prasad, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Lester Pretlow, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Sharad Purohit, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Raghavan Raju, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Arni S.R. Rao, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD BiostatisticsCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Adil Rasheed, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Meredith Rausch, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd Counselor EducationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Deborah Richardson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Michael Rivner, MDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Peter Robinson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Rebecca Rohloff, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: EdS Advanced Educational Studies, EdD Educational InnovationCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Radu Daniel Rudic, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Frederick A. Rueggeberg, MS, DDSGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Barbara Russell, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Laura Rychly, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: EdS Advanced Educational StudiesCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Maria Eugenia Sabbatini, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Sharanjot Saini, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Daitoku Sakamuro, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Patricia V. Schoenlein, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Cellular Biology and Anatomy, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Alexander Schwarzmann, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Yoon-Ho Seol, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MPHCollege: School of Public Health
Linah Shahoumi, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Oral Biology and Maxillofacial PathologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Amol Sharma, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Ashok Sharma, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Shruti Sharma, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Huidong Shi, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Xingming Shi, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Yang Shi, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biostatistics College: School of Public Health
Jeane Silva, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MPHCollege: School of Public Health
Jessica Simpson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: EdS Advanced Educational StudiesCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Nagendra Singh, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Catherine Slade, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MBACollege: Hull College of Business
Jenelle Slavin-Mulford, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Neal Smith, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biological and Computational MathematicsCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
James Smith, DBAGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Judith Stallings, EdDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Brian Stansfield, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
David W. Stepp, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Vascular Biology, PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Alexis Stranahan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD Neuroscience, PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Huabo Su, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Shaoyong Su, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Yunchao Su, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Tanya Sudia, PhD, RNGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Sangeetha Sukumari-Ramesh, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jennifer Sullivan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD Physiology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
John Sutherland, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Jeffrey Switzer , PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Ming Ming Tan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Yaoling Tang, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Franklin Chin Meng Tay, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Martha Terris, MD College: Medical College of Georgia
Alvin Terry, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Pharmacology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Muthusamy Thangaraju, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Dharma Thiruvaiyaru, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Asia Thomas, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: EdD Educational Innovation College: College of Education and Human Development
Bobby Thomas, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Geoffrey Thompson, DDSGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Dental College of Georgia
Mark Thompson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MBACollege: Hull College of Business
Stuart A. Thompson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, MS Oral BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Menaka Thounaojam, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Martha S. Tingen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Richard Topolski, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Dustin Tracy, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Kumar Vaibhav, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Elizabeth VanDeusen, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd LeadershipCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Almira Vazdarjanova, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Neuroscience, PhD Molecular Oncology and ImmunologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Guido Verbeck, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biomolecular ScienceCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Alexander D. Verin, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Eric Vitriol, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Chandramohan Wakade, MBBSGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Neuroscience, PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Gursimran Walia, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Computer Science, PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Juan Walker, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MEd InstructionCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Colleen Walters, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Jing Wang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Mong-Heng Wang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Physiology, PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Xiaoling Wang, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biostatistics, PhD Genomic Medicine, PhD PhysiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Qin Wang, MD, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Teresa Waters, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: School of Public Health
Patricia Watford, OTDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Allied Health Sciences
Mitchell Watsky, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Neal Weintraub, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Vascular BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Sabina Widner, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Melanie Wilcox, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS PsychologyCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Jason Williams, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Computer and Cyber Sciences, MS Information Security ManagementCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Anastasia Wilson, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biological and Computational MathematicsCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
Judi Wilson, EdD College: College of Education and Human Development
Angelia (Maleah) Winkler, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Kinesiology, PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: College of Education and Human Development
Stephanie Wright, DNPGraduate Program Affiliation: Doctor of Nursing PracticeCollege: College of Nursing
Guangyu Wu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Weiming Xiang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Hongyan Xu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Biostatistics, PhD Genomic MedicineCollege: School of Public Health
Chunhong Yan, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Nathan Yanasak, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD NeuroscienceCollege: Medical College of Georgia
He Yang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Biological and Computational MathematicsCollege: College of Science and Mathematics
William Yeudall, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: MS Oral BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Nagy Youssef, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Julie Zadinsky, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD NursingCollege: College of Nursing
Ming Zhang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Cellular Biology and AnatomyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Quanguang Zhang, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jieqiong Zhao, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: MS Computer Science, PhD Computer and Cyber SciencesCollege: School of Computer and Cyber Science
Gang Zhou, PhDGraduate Program Affiliations: PhD Molecular Oncology and Immunology, PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Jiliang Zhou, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD PharmacologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Sun Zhou, MDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Applied Health SciencesCollege: Medical College of Georgia
Peipei Zhu, PhDGraduate Program Affiliation: PhD Biochemistry and Cancer BiologyCollege: Medical College of Georgia