Unlocking the power and potential of the human immune system to battle cancer, heart disease and other ailments takes imagination, determination and collaboration.

The Immunology Center of Georgia is a new research enterprise that pioneers ways for the body to marshal its immune defenders and attackers to defeat threats to human health.

In partnership with the best clinicians and scientists around the world, we’re working to advance exploration, uncover knowledge and prepare the next generation of immunologists — all to benefit people everywhere.

In the News


Think you don't need a flu shot?   Klaus Ley, MD, explains why everyone over the age of 6 months
should protect themselves from flu, which can be deadly. 



WRDW Mix at 3: Dr. Klaus Ley
on the value of seasonal flu vaccine

 What brought us here is a unique opportunity to build something of national importance.
That’s not an offer you get every day,  

- Klaus Ley, MD, IMMCG founding co-director.


Georgia Trend: Moving Innovation
Beyond the Walls

IMMCG in Jagwire

Man and woman standing in scientific lab

IMMCG endowed lectureship founded to advance research, education

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Researcher in lab

IMMCG researcher delves into spleen’s role in atherosclerosis

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Man's head shot

CAR-T researcher joins IMMCG to advance cancer immunotherapy

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