The goals of the PA ultrasound curriculum include:
Point-of-Care ultrasound technology as a clinical skills tool to expand the educational
experience of AU physician assistant students with basic science content and to provide
a pathway for integration of knowledge into the clinical patient care setting
Transformation of basic science content knowledge and clinical experience of AU physician
assistant students with Point-of-Care ultrasound technology to expand and improve
their role as future physician assistants.
AU PA Ultrasound Curricular General Objectives
The general objectives of the PA ultrasound curriculum include:
Utilization of Point-of-Care ultrasound technology as an educational tool to identify
specific anatomical structures and physiological processes, and enhance clinical exam
skills as an adjunct to the physical assessment course within the 2nd semester didactic curriculum.
Identification of specific organs /structures and pathological processes with Point-of-Care
ultrasound technology and correlation of these findings to verify clinical exam skills
as part of the clinical medicine courses in the 3rd and 4th semester didactic curriculum.
Identification of Point-of-Care ultrasound scan techniques for basic and ultrasound
assisted procedures and examinations as part of the required clinical medicine courses
within the 3rd and 4th semesterdidactic curriculum.
Application of Point-of-Care ultrasound scan techniques for basic and ultrasound assisted
procedures and examinations when available during required and elective clinical rotations
within the clinical year curriculum.