Faculty researchers honored by Augusta University Research Institute
The Augusta University Research Institute recently recognized faculty researchers for their work in advancing research at AU.
The Department of Physiology at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University consists of 19 full time faculty members, as well as there are 9 primary appointees affiliated with Physiology from the Division of Laboratory Animal Services, the Graduate School, the MCG Immunology Center of Georgia, and the Vascular Biology Center.
In addition, the Department has 5 research professors. The primary research interests of the department are Cardiovascular Physiology, Endocrinology, and Neuroscience. There are 14 graduate students, 10 postdoctoral fellows, and many undergraduate students, medical students, and medical residents that are currently having a research experience in Physiology. Visiting professors and visiting students from various countries including Brazil, China, Japan, and Ukraine frequently come to work or perform research fellowships in the Department of Physiology.
Physiology faculty currently hold approximately $11,000,000 in extramural funding, ranking 25th out of 77 Medical School Physiology Departments nationally. Members of the Department teach in the Medical and Graduate Schools including Medical Physiology and Integrated Systems Biology, Neuroscience and advanced courses in cardiovascular and endocrine physiology.
The Augusta University Research Institute recently recognized faculty researchers for their work in advancing research at AU.
The award recognizes an early career independent investigator working in hypertension or cardiovascular research who has significantly contributed to the understanding of the causes of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
The new IMMCG focuses on better understanding the immune system’s seemingly diametric roles in enabling good health and in contributing to major killers.
Faculty at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University were recognized with Exemplary Teaching Awards for their contributions to students and residents at the state’s public medical school.
Department of Physiology
Health Sciences Campus
Interdisciplinary Research Center
1120 15th St.
CA 3126
Augusta, GA 30912