Yasir Abdul
- Second place in the post-doctoral category for his poster entitled Ischemic stroke
causes vascular regression in type II diabetic male rats: Potential role of regulated
cell death mechanisms at the 2017 STaR Conference.
Nicole Klee
- Travel award to attend the Diabetes and Diabetic Uropathy Symposium at the American
Urological Association.
Amel Komic
- 2019 FASEB travel award to attend the SHOCK Society meeting
- 2018 American Physiological Society-Cardiovascular Section Research Recognition Award
Cameron McCarthy
- 2018 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2018 American Physiological Society Cardiovascular Section Research Recognition Award
at Experimental Biology
- 2018 American Physiological Society-Cardiovascular Section Research Recognition Award
- 2017 Caroline tum Suden/Frances Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award
Patricia Martinez-Quinones
- 2018 Diversity Enhancement Award at the 2018 Shock Conference
2018 Travel award and had her abstract selected to be part of the "Oral Presentation
by Young Investigators" at the Shock Society 2018 Annual Meeting
- FASEB (Federation for American Societies for Experimental Biology) MARC DREAM Trainee
Travel Award for APS Professional Skills Course (Scientific Writing Workshop).
- First place from the William H. Moretz Surgical Society, Douglas A. Rives, MD, Resident
Research Awards
- National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) Resident of the Year Award
- Third place for her abstract at the Association of Women Surgeons.
- First place in the Georgia Society American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting's Resident
Paper Competition.
Riyaz Mohamed
- 2019 Department of Physiology Chair’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2019 Research recognition award for the American Physiological Society (APS) Renal
- 2019 post-doctoral Suden Award
Camilla Wenceslau
- New Investigator Network Member April Spotlight for the International Society of Hypertension.