
The prompt provision of emergency medical care, both in and out of the hospital, can limit the consequences of diseases and injuries and mitigate morbidity and mortality. The Department of Emergency medicine and EMS program support the Institute of Medicine's recommendations for emergency care research as outlined in the Future of Emergency Care. Research in EMS encompasses many different disciplines and cross-cutting themes, and critical research questions may cut across basic science, clinical care, and delivery systems. Research activity within the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Augusta University continues to grow and flourish. We have faculty with numerous and diverse research interests such as: Ultrasound, Hemorrhage Control, Disaster Medicine, HIV, Influenza, Airway Management, and Public Health. We also collaborate on research activities with other Departments in the Medical College of Georgia and the other Schools and Discovery Institutes. Faculty from our departments have received numerous grants and frequently present at national and international meetings. The Department of Emergency Medicine has dedicated lab, cadaver and simulation space, including two operating rooms and a small animal lab.

Augusta University is home to the Translational Research Program (TRP) whose goal is to foster interest in translational medicine among faculty, fellows, residents and medical students within the Department of Medicine. The vision of the program is to assist in the conduction of successful translational research projects for individuals at all academic levels, with the ultimate goal being to develop a sustainable TRP that engages the next generation of translational scientists.

The overarching goal of the TRP is to assist in the development of a core group of translational scientists resulting in an improvement in health care , the production of scholarly work (publications), and the generation of extramural funding. To attain this vision, the TRP will act as a resource for interested investigators including students, postgraduate trainees (MD and PhD), attending physicians, basic scientists, statisticians, and others.