Step 3: Maintaining Certification
The Certified Hospital Emergency Coordinator (CHEC) certification expires biennially.
To maintain CHEC certified status the following is needed:
- Proof of completing 12 or more hours of continuing education credit hours annually
(24 hours biennially). This applies to all three levels of certification.
- At least half of the continuing education hours must be from coursework; the remaining
half can be a combination of conferences and other professional continuing education.
- Other courses, lectures, symposiums, conferences or related training will be approved
for CEU’s on a case-by-case basis.
- FEMA Independent Study (IS) courses will be accepted at the rate of 1 CEU per course.
Conference attendance will be accepted at a rate of 75%.
Certifications expire the end of a calendar year on December 31st. All State approved courses with associated continuing education hours will be accepted
to include the State Office of EMS, EMA, POST, and Fire Academy.