Student fees are the primary funding source for student activities, student technology, student health services, athletic programs, student centers, transportation and campus recreation.
Additionally, the special institutional fee is used on an institution-wide basis to supplement institutional needs not covered through tuition. As the demand to improve and expand student services has increased, student fees have become an important funding source in support of our mission to ensure “access to academic excellence and educational opportunities” for our students.
Student fee revenues are generated from the following sources:
The information on mandatory student fees is provided to help students understand how their fees are used and the process developed to recommend the fee to the university president and the BOR. These guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive, but to provide a general framework on how student fees should be used to support operations, services, programs and activities.
"Mandatory fees must be paid by all students unless waivers are specifically approved by the Board of Regents. There are two categories of mandatory fees: fees mandated by the Board of Regents for all University System students; and fees mandated by the institution and approved by the Board of Regents for all students at the individual institution, such as activity fees, athletic fees, health fees, and transportation fees." (BOR Policy Manual Section
The Transportation Fee is used for the operation of student-focused routes on the Augusta University shuttle system. The shuttle system serves various locations including Christenberry Fieldhouse, University Village, Summerville Campus, Health Sciences Campus, and the Nathan Deal Campus for Innovation.
The student health supports a comprehensive approach to student well-being, including services for physical health, mental health, personal wellness, and educational programming. Students have on-campus access to provider and nursing visits. Medical procedures and immunizations are offered at a significantly discounted rate for students. A USG sponsored student health insurance plan, which covers the full cost of most procedures, can provide supplemental coverage for referrals, hospitalizations and other medical expenses. In addition to primary care service, Student Health also offers: family medicine, women’s health, sports medicine, laboratory services; immunizations; dietician; and travel consults.
Provides students with access to campus recreation facilities, programs, and equipment. Personal attention is provided to foster student interest in personal well-being, a healthy lifestyle, and recreational pursuits. Users may choose to utilize weight equipment, cardiovascular exercise equipment, basketball & volleyball courts, studio exercise space, and outdoor athletic fields. Program opportunities include: group fitness classes, personal training, intramural sports, club sports, outdoor recreation equipment and trips as well as personal wellness opportunities.
The Augusta University Mandatory Student Fees Committee was created to implement the provisions of Board of Regents Policy, as amended on February 9, 2000. The Committee shall make recommendations to the President who makes recommendations to the BOR on changes to existing mandatory student fees or on possible new mandatory fees. Fees considered by the Committee shall exclude elective fees that are paid by the students who choose to receive specific services.
“Proposals to increase mandatory student fees and proposals to create new mandatory student fees, submitted by an institution, shall first be presented for advice and counsel to a committee at each institution composed of at least 50% students. Students shall be appointed by the institution’s student government association. All mandatory student fees collected by an institution shall be budgeted and administered by the president, using proper administrative procedures, which shall include the advice and counsel of an advisory committee composed of at least 50% students. Students shall be appointed by the institution’s student government association. All payments from funds supported by the student mandatory fees shall be made according to Board of Regents approved business procedures and the appropriate business practices of the institution." (Board of Regents Policy 704.021 February 9, 2000)
Institutions must submit a fee request proposal to the Board of Regents in December of each year. The proposal must include:
* Fiscal Affairs reviews the fee requests submitted by each institution. After review, the Office of Fiscal Affairs makes recommendations to the Chancellor and the Board of Regents.
* All mandatory student fees and fee increases must be approved by the BOR at its April meeting to become effective the following fall semester.
Pursuant to BOR policy, mandatory student fees may be waived for students who meet waiver requirements as determined by BOR and institutional policy. Mandatory fees may be reduced for students enrolled in summer courses.