Continuing medical education (CME) of faculty will focus on aiding clinicians with the integration of ultrasound into their medical practice, and will assist in training faculty who did not have the benefit of ultrasound education in their student and resident teaching.
Currently, MCG faculty members have varied skill and experience levels with physician-performed ultrasound. For ultrasound to have a major impact on medical education, it is essential to have a wide-breadth of faculty trained in the basic use of ultrasound in different practice environments. Faculty from the residency training programs (Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology, and General Surgery) will be incorporated into the training created for their residents.
The goal will be to develop faculty who can serve as specialty specific mentors in their area of practice for both students and residents.
CME provides a way to reach out to the medical community, as well as generate income for educational activities. Student, resident, fellow and faculty participation as instructors in training exercises allows the trainees to further understand ultrasound concepts through the teaching process.
CME Courses
CME courses will be developed on core ultrasound topics in conjunction with the CME
office. The first course anticipated will be an ultrasound course on procedures (US
guided: vascular access, nerve block, other procedures).