
To lead Georgia and the nation to better health through excellence in biomedical education, discovery, patient care, and service.


MCG will be a nationally recognized leader in medicine, delivering patient-centered and technologically advanced medical education, transformative research, and exceptional clinical and preventive care, leading to healthier communities.



reflected in collaboration, partnership, sense of community, and teamwork.


reflected in caring, empathy, and social responsibility.


reflected in distinction, effectiveness, efficiency, passion, quality, and impact.


reflected in diversity, equality, fairness, impartiality, and respect.


reflected in accountability, ethical behavior, honesty, and reliability.


reflected in courage, honor, professionalism, transparency, and vision.

About MCG

Dr. Hess posed in the AA hallway

About MCG Dean

About MCG Dean
old MCG building

MCG Leadership Directory

MCG Leadership Directory
2022 White coat

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan
drawing of old MCG building

MCG Alumni

MCG Alumni
MCG white coat photo

MCG Fast Facts

MCG Fast Facts
Old MCG photo

History of MCG

History of MCG
artistic rendering of the vascular system

MCG Medicine Magazine

MCG Medicine Magazine
MCG Medical Illustration Services promo designed by Keri Leigh Jones

MCG Medical Illustration Services

MCG Medical Illustration Services

Great Doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828. 


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