Helpful Resources (Videos)

Mental Health Apps and Self-Guided Resources


  • Virtual Hopebox. Free app contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking.
  • Insight Timer. Check out more than 4,500 free guided meditations from over 1,000 meditation practitioners with this app. It also gives you access to 750 meditation music tracks. Customize your meditation using the background sounds and meditation tool intervals to create a unique experience that works best for you. To listen offline, you can also purchase a monthly subscription.
  • Sattva Meditations & Mantras. The goal of Sattva is to motivate you to meditate every day. There are a slew of features and preloaded exercises including timers and chants. Plus, you can check your heart rate via the app and participate in challenges. One aspect that sets this app apart is the extensive information on how meditation can benefit overall well-being. For even more features, they also have subscriptions available to buy.
  • Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM). Users are prompted to build their own 24-hour anxiety toolkit that allows you to track anxious thoughts and behavior over time, and learn 25 different self-help techniques.
  • Happify. Happify is a space to overcome negative thoughts and stress and build resilience. The app offers activities and games to improve your life satisfaction and ability to fight negativity.
  • Stop Panic and Anxiety Self-Help. Self-help method to learn to control panic and anxiety.

Social Justice Resources