Please review all Funding Policies and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before filling out our funding request forms. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact our SGA Treasurer.
IMPORTANT*** You are responsible for understanding the funding policies and procedures for SGA and Augusta University. Reimbursement for funds approved by SGA may be denied if you do not follow the procedures outlined below.
Dates for 2025-2026 Funding Request Forms Coming Soon!
PLEASE NOTE***: Filling out any funding request form automatically acknowledges that you read all the SGA Funding Policies and Frequently Asked Questions. Please review all Funding Policies and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before filling out our funding request forms. If any funding request is $100 or more and is selected for further processing, you or a representative must present a 1-2 minute pitch to the senate at a general senate meeting.
Funding Dates and Deadlines
Registered Student Organization (RSO) Event Funding Policies:
Individual Travel Funding Policies:
Sponsorship & Collaboration Policies:
Funding Request Process:
What can I use the SGA funds to purchase?
Tangible goods could include, but not limited to, food, drinks, prizes for raffles, promotional items such as t-shirts, mugs, plaques, etc, tangible awards, supplies.
What should I not use the SGA funds to purchase?
Prohibited usage of SGA funds could include, but not limited to, any form of donations, tips, intercollegiate athletic program costs, student employee events, alcoholic beverages or any illegal substances, cash awards, club memberships, political campaigns or events, fundraisers to gain money.
Does my event have to be open and free to all students?
Yes, this is a requirement. Funds are given to SGA from the Student Activity Fee which ensures the benefit for ALL students for FREE.
How long does it take to hear back from SGA regarding the next steps of the funding process?
You should hear within 24-72 hours. Since SGA is a student-run organization, our student leaders can get busy with classes so please be patient with them.
Can I still get funding for an event/travel date that occurred in the past?
Unfortunately not. The SGA only allocates funds for events that occur in the future. This is why we have a minimum of 30 days for requests.
Can I host a bake sale and then donate the proceeds to charity?
Unfortunately not. This would violate two of our funding policies which include the prohibition of using funds for fundraising and the prohibition of donating the SGA funds which helped raise money to charity. The Student Activity Fee, which helps fund SGA, is meant for only student usage.
Where are SGA General Senate Meetings held?
They are held every other Tuesday at 6:30pm in the JSAC Coffeehouse.
Is there a dress code for General Senate Meetings?
Yes!! The dress code for the meeting is business casual.
Why do I need to come to the SGA General Senate Meeting?
During this meeting, you will discuss your funding request with the senate, have a quick Q&A session, and conduct the vote to approve/disapprove your funding request. If you do not show up, the senate will not be able to vote on your funding request.
What should I include in my 1-2 minute pitch to the senate?
Things to cover in your pitch could include details about yourself, how much you are requesting, why you are requesting, and/or what you are planning to do with the requested funds, if approved.
If my request is approved by the senate, what should I do?
You will get a follow up from SGA after the general senate meeting. We highly recommend contacting our Business Specialist, Ms. Felix Laverne. She can help guide you to ensure what you can or can’t spend the funds on and help ensure that the money you requested will be properly reimbursed back to your account. Please keep track of your spending and receipts as these will need to be submitted to Ms. Felix Laverne.
Do I need to keep track of my receipts and purchases?
YESSS!! Please keep track of your spending and receipts after the approval date as these will need to be submitted to our Business Specialist along with a roster of attendees at your event, flyer of your event, and potential W-9 form which can be sent to you by our Business Specialist.
Can I submit receipts from purchases that were made before my SGA approval date?
No. Since SGA did not approve of the spending, those purchases will not be considered by the Business Specialist. You may only get reimbursed for purchases made after the SGA approval date.
I am placing an online order (Amazon, Custom Ink, etc.) for my event. Where should I set the delivery address to?
The delivery address must be “Bellevue Hall, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904” This is our advisor, Dean of Students, Dr. Scott Wallace’s office. This will ensure and verify SGA that the package has arrived at Augusta University. No exceptions will be made if delivered to a different address.
Who should I contact for further inquiries and questions?
If there are any other questions or concerns, please contact our SGA Treasurer.