The Augusta University Staff Council (AUSC) is composed of and works on behalf of university staff members. We encourage staff connections and communication in an effort to foster a more engaging and collaborative professional environment.

Augusta University is a member institution of the University System of Georgia Staff Council.

AU Staff Council group photo, August 2022

Staff Council Leadership

photo of Rich Rogers

Rich Rogers

  • Chair
photo of Cynthia Beard

Cynthia Beard

  • Chair-Elect
photo of Angel Lovett

Angel Lovett

  • Past Chair
photo of Stephanie Campbell

Stephanie Campbell

  • Treasurer
photo of Jennifer Jaremski

Jennifer Jaremski

  • Secretary
photo of Rebecca Carroll

Rebecca Carroll

  • Ex Officio


Interested in Joining Staff Council?

We have recently received a lot of questions about adding staff members to Staff Council. We strive to include members from a wide range of colleges, departments, and units throughout the university.

Any permanent "regular" employee of Augusta University, full-time (1.0 FTE), in a non-faculty position, having served at least 12 consecutive months in good standing shall be considered a member of the Council. Membership shall be considered part of an employee's regular workweek and shall not generate any overtime pay compensatory time. Approval from the staff member’s supervisor and vetting through Human Resources is required to join the Council.


New Members

Nominations for staff members to join the council open up each Spring, with an election taking place in mid to late Spring. Council member terms begin on July 1 (the beginning of the fiscal year) and members serve a 3-year term, with the option to renew for one additional 3-year term.

Replacement Members

If a member of a particular unit resigns from the Council before the Spring nomination and election process takes place, the Membership Committee will identify and recommend at least one eligible candidate to fill the vacancy. The vacancy will be filled by a staff member within the same reporting unit in the President's Executive Cabinet, as outlined in Article III Section I of the bylaws, but not necessarily from the same department or office.


For questions about membership, please view our bylaws or email