There are many offices working together to support timely execution of research contracts and agreements including Office of Innovation Commercialization, Sponsored Program Administration, Office of Advancement, and Purchasing. Each has their own routing process. A clearly defined set of pathways is laid out in the Contract and Agreement Routing Checklist for the following types of contract/agreements. If none of the questions below apply, your agreement will be reviewed by the Contract Routing & Triage Committee.

Many of these standard agreements may be found by searching "templates" in Tools for Researchers.


Responsible Office

Email for information

Purchasing Agreement Purchasing Department
Service Agreement Purchasing Department
Donor Agreement Office of Advancement
Confidentiality Agreement (CDA) Office of Innovation Commercialization
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Office of Innovation Commercialization
Data Use Agreement Office of Innovation Commercialization
Material Transfer Agreement Office of Innovation Commercialization
Master Research Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Master Clinical Trial Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Clinical Trial Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Basic Science Contract or Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Laboratory Contract or Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Collaborative Research Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Animal Research Agreement Sponsored Program Administration
Beta Test Agreement Sponsored Program Administration

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Tools for Researchers

If your agreement includes any of the following, please submit to Sponsored Program Administration at

  • Commitment of the university through faculty, postdoc, or staff member (not student) to scientific or scholarly inquiry, typically documented by a research plan or statement of work
  • Includes any language noting that Material will be transferred to AU, to AU faculty, staff, or students
  • Requires that any research compliance office be required to provide services to support the oversight of the agreement (Includes AU Research Compliance Offices include Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Radiation Safety Committee, Chemical Safety Committee, Biosafety  Committee, and Conflict of Interest Committee)
  • Requires a detailed financial report or specific deliverables (i.e. line item budget detail, percentages of effort, etc. and not just a request for a summary report  of expenditures)
  • Terms and Conditions for the disposition of tangible property such as data, equipment, records, technical reports, theses, dissertations, or other deliverables
  • Any license language for any invention, product, material, device, or intellectual property
  • Request for ownership of intellectual property such as licenses, copyrights, royalties, etc.
  • Compensation or financial support for medical residents
  • Funding to specifically support a self-funded medical residency position