Graduate Medical Education at MCG is committed to providing resources and techniques to ensure residents and fellows enrolled in MCG’s training programs, are mentally and physically healthy and fit for training in the clinical learning environment. The Medical College of Georgia provides an on campus assessment and counseling program for Housestaff, Faculty, employees, graduate students and immediate members of their family.
The Employee-Faculty Assistance Program focuses on problems of either a personal or a work-related nature. Assessments are provided and, where indicated, short-term therapy may be scheduled for up to six sessions at no cost to the employee/faculty. For persons/families requiring extended counseling or more specialized therapy, the program can arrange continuing care by an appropriate local practitioner or agency.
In addition, EFAP staff are available to consult with supervisors on how to better recognize and work with employees who are experiencing difficulties of various kinds.
Some common reasons residents/fellows may see the EFAP Office are: stress management, depression, anxiety, burnout, family and relationship issues, communication difficulties, and career/academic concerns. Services are completely confidential, no EHR records.
For more information or for an appointment, please contact the Employee-Faculty Assistance Program at (706) 721-2599 (no referral needed).
KEPRO Additional Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services (Use Company Code: USGCares)
Accessing Mental health Counseling for Residents and fellows
Augusta University Campus Recreation Center
Stress Management:
Financial Health:
Identifying Individuals At-Risk
In the current health care environment, physicians are at increased risk for burnout and depression. Self-care is an important component of professionalism and is a skill that must be learned. The Graduate Medical Education Office encourages residents and faculty members to alert your Program Director, the GME Office, and/or other personnel when you are concerned that another resident, fellow, or faculty member may be displaying signs of burnout, depression, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, or potential for violence.
GME Office Phone Number: 706-721-7005 ext. 0
Employee Faculty Assistance Program Office Phone Number: 706-721-2599
This four-minute video below advises medical students, residents, and fellows on how to support each other, express concern to peers, and encourage help-seeking behavior (on behalf of the ACGME, Mayo Clinic, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)
Free Self-Screening Tools
Substance Abuse: Step-by-Step Guides
Burnout and Depression