Yuting Chen, PhD

2017  -  PhD  - Neuropharmacology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Telephone:  706-721-8767
Room:  CA2054A
Email:  yuchen@augusta.edu

Mentor:  Xin-Yun Lu, PhD
Research Interests:  Neuropharmacology and Alzheimer's Disease

Maryam Malek, PhD

2010 - PhD - Physiology, Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences

Telephone:  706-721-8666
Room:  CA2055
Email:  mmalek@augusta.edu

Mentor:  XinYun Lu, PhD
Research interests:  Neurodegenerative Diseases

Bruno Cisterna, PhD

2016 - PhD - Physiology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Telephone:  706-721-1176
Room:  CA3040
Email: bcisternairrazab@augusta.edu

Mentor:  Eric Vitriol, PhD
Research interests:  Neuromuscular Physiology and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Shuchun Li, PhD

2011 - PhD - Southeast University

Telephone:  706-721-0930
Room:  CA3055
Email:  shuli@augusta.edu

Mentor:  Lin Gan, PhD
Research Interests:  Transcriptional control of neuronal development and neuroregeneration.

Jiwon Kim, PhD

2020 - PhD - Dept. of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University

Telephone:  706-721-4237
Room:  CA2045
Email:  jkim8@augusta.edu

Mentor:  Chung Sub Kim, PhD
Research Interests:  PTSD, Neurodegenerative Diseases

Cynthia Martin-Jimenez, PhD

2022 - PhD - Biological Sciences-Neuroscience, Javeriana University

Telephone: 706-721-0686
Room: CA30450A
Email: cmartinjimenez@augusta.edu

Mentor: Qin Wang, MD,PhD
Research Interests: Neurodegenerative diseases and Alzheimer's Disease

Shiona Biswas, PhD

2016 - PhD - Neuroscience, University of Rochester

Telephone: 706-721-0930
Room:  CA3055
Email: sbiswas1@augusta.edu

Mentor: Lin Gan, PhD
Research Interests:  Molecular factors regulatin neuronal development, synaptic transmission, and behavior.

Ankit Seth, PhD

2018 - PhD - Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University
2008 - Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutics, Biju Patnaik University of Technology

Telephone:  706-721-4628
Room: CA4054A
Email: aseth@augusta.edu

Mentor:  Frank Deak, PhD
Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration & impaired synaptic neurotransmission


Khadijah Shanazz, PhD

2022 - PhD - Pharmacology, Augusta University

Telephone: 706-721-9400
Room:  CA4050A
Email: kshanazz@augusta.edu

Mentor:  David Blake, PhD
Research Interests: PTSD, Anxiety, Learning and memory, Rodent behavior, Inflammation, Sex differences

Zijian Zhou, PhD

2023 - PhD - Pharmaceutical Science, Kyoto University

Telephone:  706-721-0875
Room: CA3050
Email:  zizhou@augusta.edu  

Mentor:  Qin Wang, PhD
Research Interests:  Neuropharmacology

Elina K C, DVM, PhD

2023 - PhD - Nueroscience, Chungbuk National University

Telephone:  706-721-8767
Room:  CA2054A
Email:  ekc@augusta.edu

Mentor:  Xin-Yun Lu, PhD
Research Interests:  Neurological disorder, stress, depression