On September 29, 2023, the MCG Office for Faculty Success and the MCG Group on Women in Medicine and Science presented the second biennial MCG Women’s Career Development Symposium, a 1-day symposium designed to engage women and other gender minority faculty in plenaries, workshops, and networking activities to develop skills, build relationships, gain knowledge, and address and overcome barriers in academic medicine.
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The program book is to be used as a resource for those who attended or wish to learn more about this symposium. It includes the schedule, sessions of interest, speaker information, and important event details. It may be used as a reference for the entire program including the planning committee and other resources taken from the symposium.
2023 WCDS: "Self-Promotion for Self Advocacy" Workshop
2023 WCDS Peds GR Confronting Dominant Culture to Create Inclusive Environments and Belonging
2023 WCDS: "Coach Yourself for Success" Workshop
2023 WCDS: Opening Plenary "Addressing Salary Equity"
2023 WCDS: Leadership Panel
Vaughn McCall, MD
Ally Award
Nilufer Yalcin, MD
Early Impact Award
Heather Byrd, MD
Scholarship Award
Jennifer Sullivan, PhD
Leadership Award