Working as One for the Good of Many

Every year employees across the state demonstrate their compassion and generosity
through the official workplace giving campaign for state employees and the university
system. Our 2023-2024 Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) Annual
Campaign will run from September 16, 2023 through November 16, 2023. During the campaign, you can learn more about how we can address critical needs
in Georgia, across the nation, and around the world by giving to any of more than 900
charities through GASCCP.
Go to to learn more about the Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program.
It’s quick and easy to give!
- LOGIN: OneUSG Connect
- Click Make SCCP Contribution and follow instructions to set-up your payroll deduction or to pledge your one-time
contribution through GASCCP.
The GASCCP offers employees choice, convenience and confidence!
- CHOICE: You get to direct your pledge to the organizations that are closest to your
interest. Find your charity here.
- CONVENIENCE: Workplace giving has advantages. Through payroll deduction you can give
more, while only having a small amount deducted from each paycheck. Or you may make
a one-time donation through OneUSG Connect.
- CONFIDENCE: Each charity is screened by your peers. Requirements of each charity include:
a Health and Human Service impact statement, IRS determination letter, Tax Form 990,
and certified audits where appropriate.
For questions, you may reach out to:
- State of Georgia Campaign Coordinator:
- University System of Georgia contact:
- Augusta University contacts:
Thank you for your generosity and compassion. Give TODAY. Change TOMORROW.