All program/activity staff, including volunteers, who will have contact with minors must undergo training on the Programs Serving Minors policy and the Code of Conduct. This training is offered by the Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Management on a regular and as-needed basis. Please contact the office to schedule a training if needed.

NOTE: The Office of Compliance has made the required training available online.

All program/activity staff must also complete the Mandated Reporting training offered by the Georgia Office of the Child Advocate. The training is available online. Program/Activity Administrators are responsible for ensuring all program/activity staff complete this training and that the certificates of completion are kept as required by the document retention policies.

In addition, the Program/Activity Administrators are responsible for developing program-specific trainings as appropriate. This may include additional staff and participant codes of conduct, disability and other accommodations, safety and security protocols, first aid guidelines and medication management, and others as deemed applicable.

Contact Us

University Ethics & Compliance

(706) 721-0900


Minors on Campus Training for Staff

Minors on Campus Training for Program Administrators

Mandated Reporting Training