Georgia law requires all state employees to disclose all business transactions occurring during the previous calendar year that the employee has transacted with the State of Georgia. This requirement includes transactions with any agency of the State of Georgia for himself/herself or on behalf of any business, or any business in which the public official or employee or any member of his/her family has a substantial interest. The State Business Transactions Disclosure Reports for transactions occurring in calendar year 2024 should be filed prior to Jan. 31, 2025.
This reporting requirement will not affect most University System of Georgia (USG) employees. If an employee has not transacted business with the State of Georgia, then no report is required. Additionally, there is an exception for transactions less than $250 where the total of all transactions does not exceed $9,000 in the calendar year.
These reports are filed on the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance
Commission’s older legacy system, which is no longer accessible on its webpage. To
file this report, you must contact Haley Barrett, director of communications, at the
Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission at or (470) 355-6003.
Reportable disclosures:
Please note:
Please see the attached memo for further guidance. We appreciate your assistance in ensuring your responsibility to comply with this law. Contact the AU Office of Compliance, Ethics & Risk Management at or (706) 721-8643 for any questions or concerns.