While residents have 3 months of dedicated research during their PGY3 year, they are strongly encouraged to pursue additional research interests.
Faculty supervision, clerical support, computer/library facilities and flexibility in clinical responsibilities are available to residents for clinical research. Many faculty members have existing databases of patient information that can be analyzed by residents, either by expanding on the suggestions of the faculty member, or developing their own hypothesis for study once approved by the supervising faculty member and institutional review board.
The PGY-4 and PGY-5 residents routinely attend regional and national meetings, such as the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association and the Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association. Residents at any level with research abstracts accepted for presentation at these selective meetings will also be provided funding and relief of clinical duties to attend. All residents are encouraged to present their research data at local venues such as the Georgia Urological Society and Augusta University's Annual Rinker-Witherington Society Meeting. Residents additionally submit their work for publication in peer-reviewed journals and receive substantial guidance from the faculty to navigate the publication process.
Search Database
The Shared Equal Access Regional Cancer Hospital (SEARCH) database is a database of prostate cancer patients at eight Veterans Affairs hospitals. The purpose of the SEARCH database is to take full advantage of the strength of the VA population of prostate cancer and the VA electronic medical record system for research purposes.
Surgical Research Service
We support the research activities of more than 60 faculty members, as well as numerous residents and medical students actively involved in Augusta University's approximately 600 research grants.