The Transplant Surgery Section at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University is dedicated to providing excellent, comprehensive transplant care to our patients throughout the states of Georgia and South Carolina. Offering kidney and kidney- pancreas transplant services, we are one of the region's leading academic programs.
Our surgeons work within a multidisciplinary team that includes nephrology, anesthesiology, critical care, transplant immunology, urology, infectious diseases, pharmacology, nutrition, social work, financial counseling and nursing to provide an integrated approach to care. This comprehensive approach has allowed the program to continually evolve to offer the most innovative developments in surgical techniques and transplant medicine. Since 1968, our surgeons have performed more than 2,000 successful adult and pediatric kidney transplants.
The Transplant Surgery Section is actively involved in basic science, clinical and translational research in a partnership with the Section of Nephrology and the Immunotherapy Center at Augusta University. Our goal is to bring the most promising developments in the lab to our patients in clinic in an expedited fashion. To improve and expand services for our patients, the AU Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program has increased staff to make the listing process as efficient and easy as possible for our patients and referring physicians.
Augusta University is also developing regional pre- and post-transplant clinics in Georgia and South Carolina in order to decrease the travel burden on our patients. Our dedication to creating an environment based on service to and respect for our patients and referring physicians is a core value of the program.
Also integral to our mission: the education and specialized training of students, residents and fellows who come to us to learn within our active transplant program. Between joint transplant surgery and nephrology rounds and an active conference schedule, our learners benefit from a thriving teaching environment.
Ultimately, we strive to serve the states of Georgia and South Carolina with a transplant program that provides excellent clinical care, research and education in a patient- and family-centered environment.
Our Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program was awarded the Kidney Transplant Excellence
Award by Health Grades in 2010 and 2011. Awarded nationally to only 20 programs in 2011 and 10 in 2010, this
honor recognizes those programs that achieve the very best outcomes in patient survival
three years after transplant.