Forty-five percent (45%) of your final grade will be derived from the evaluations provided by your clinical instructors or supervisors. This evaluation will be determined by the faculty member responsible for supervising you on your clinical rotation, usually in consultation with the psychiatry residents with whom you have worked. The basis on which this clinical grade is determined is evident from the standardized clinical performance evaluation form.
Ten percent (10%) of your final grade will be earned by a possible total of fifteen points exam available in Desire2Learn. This is an open-book exam which you will complete on your own time. Assignments will be due each week.
It is each student's responsibility to schedule a time with the attending or resident they have been primarily working with during the second week of the rotation for feedback on his or her progress. It must be uploaded to D2L in the appropriate folder by the second Friday of the rotation by 5 p.m.
Students are required to be observed completing a psychiatric interview and presenting the mental status exam by a faculty member. Each student will then need to complete the accompanying evaluation and feedback forms (to be completed by both the student and attending). The completed form should be submitted by 8am on the last day of the clerkship by uploading it to D2L in the appropriate folder
The Final Examination will consist of the " National Board Subject Examination in Psychiatry" which is a two hour and 30 minute, multiple choice examination administered nationally
to third-year medical students which allows you to compare your knowledge of psychiatry
with other medical students at the same level of training. This exam will count for
forty-five percent (45%) of your final grade. The Subject Exam score will be converted to an MCG clerkship
At the end of the clerkship, you will be required to complete a comprehensive evaluation of your experience. We highly value your comments and take them into serious consideration in redesigning the clerkship.