Mark S.F. Clarke, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Houston
Michael Hadsell, MD
Associate Professor, VA Medical Center, Augusta
Lori Redmond Hardy, PhD
Associate Professor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Georgia Campus
William A. Hawkins, PharmD
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, SW Campus, Albany,
Yutaka Itokazu, PhD
Research Scientist, Augusta University, Augusta, GA
Sharmon Osae, PharmD
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, SW Campus,
Albany, GA
Marjorie Phillips, BPharm, BS, MS
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia
Balakrishna M. Prasad, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center
Lakshman Segar, PhD
Associate Professor, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Bobby Thomas, PhD
Associate Professor, Medical University of South Carolina
Richard E. White, PhD
Professor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Georgia Campus