National HIV/AIDS Awareness Days

HIV Vaccine awareness day


HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day – May 18 – There has been so much happening around HIV vaccines since the virus’s discovery. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has taken the lead on observing this day and recognizing all of the health care professionals, researchers, scientists, volunteers, and their families for their hard work and sacrifices through these decades. We hope to end the epidemic one day soon, but until then, let’s take this day as one to educate everyone about the importance of preventative HIV vaccine research.



National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS awareness day



National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 19 is National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day to combat stigma in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. When we reduce HIV stigma and promote prevention, testing, and treatment, we can #StopHIVTogether. More here. #NAPIHAAD #APIMay19








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