In order to be officially enrolled into any selective or elective, students must submit
the completed appropriate course form to the Curriculum Office.
We cannot provide retroactive credit for courses if you are not properly enrolled.
In the United States but NOT in Georgia students officially enrolled at MCG are covered by Professional Liability Insurance while at U.S. institutions out of the state of Georgia.
The appropriate course registration form should be completed in order to enroll in selectives and electives.
Please use the Qualtrics Link Below to register for courses
Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
Please do not save this link. The most accurate link will always be found here.
The following list all of the selective and elective courses available through the Medical College of Georgia. Each listing contains the course title, course number, course category, course classification, contact person, months offered, and a brief description of the course.
Each course description also has an eligibility listing, which refers to the course prerequisites:
Note that clerkship students can find a list of courses which are open to them on the final pages of this bulletin. A few courses have additional requirements which are listed in this category as well.
With few exceptions, course locations are not included in the course listing. Most of the listed courses are available on the Augusta campus. Many of the courses are also offered on the various regional campuses, as well.
For information about courses on the Augusta campus, please check with the sponsoring department. For information about courses on the regional campuses, please check with the corresponding regional campus office.
All courses listed are subject to the availability of faculty and resources. Because of lack of available faculty or other resources, some courses may not be offered at a given time even though they are listed in the bulletin. Check with the sponsoring department for more information about which courses are available currently.
Courses Open to All Clerkship & Enrichment Students- NO CONDITIONS
Anesthesiology Research | ANES 5002 |
Pain Management | ANES 5008 |
Respiratory Care | ANES 5014 |
Anatomy Research | ANAT 5002 |
Clinical Anatomy and Teaching Skills | ANAT5005 |
Biochemistry & Molecular Bio Research | BCMB 5002 |
Dermatology Externship | DERM 5001 |
Emergency Medicine Research | EMED 5004 |
Family Medicine Externship | FMPC 5008 |
Family Medicine Research | FMPC 5009 |
Vulnerable Populations Elective | FMPC 5018 |
Health Policy and Advocacy | FMPC 5020 |
Population Health/Business in Medicine | FMPC 6000 |
Bioethics Scholarly Study | FMPC 6001 |
Bioethics Capstone Course | FMPC 6002 |
Bioethics Practicum | FMPC 6003 |
Food as Medicine | FMPC 6004 |
Introduction to Rheumatology | GMED 5078 |
Palliative Care Externship | GMED 5095 |
Introduction to Outpatient Internal Medicine | GMED 5096 |
Medical Education | MEDI 5012 |
Simulation Education Elective | MEDI 6001 |
Neurology Research | NEUR 5006 |
Ophthalmology Research | OPTH 5002 |
Surgical Pathology Externship | PATH 5003 |
Clinical Pathology Externship | PATH 5009 |
Neuropathology Externship | PATH 5011 |
Anatomic Pathology Externship | PATH 5016 |
Clinical Microbiology Externship | PATH 5019 |
Introduction to Pathology | PATH 5028 |
Pediatric Research | PEDS 5007 |
Spirituality and Medicine | PEDS 5038 |
Pharmacology Tutorial | PHRM 5003 |
Pharmacology Research | PHRM 5004 |
Clinical Pharmacology Tutorial | PHRM 5012 |
Critical Care Pharmacology Tutorial | PHRM 5015 |
Physiology Research | PSIO 5011 |
Radiology Externship | RADM 5001 |
General Surgery Research | SURG 5002 |
History of Medicine | SURG 5015 |
Orthopedics Research | SURG 5292 |
Urology Research | SURG 5352 |
Courses Open to Clerkship Students Only:
Point of Care Ultrasound | MEDI 5031 |
Clerkship + in the electives bulletin listing means student must have completed clerkship in that department. See Course Description for Conditions.
Courses Open to Enrichment & Clerkship Students after Certain Conditions Met
Anesthesia Externship | ANES | 5011 |
International & Travel Medicine | EMED | 5007 |
Rural Emergency Medicine | EMED | 5013 |
Nephrology Consult | GMED | 5016 |
Cardiology Consultation Service | GMED | 5017 |
Gastroenterology Externship | GMED | 5021 |
Cardiology Externship | GMED | 5040 |
Neurology Consult and Clinics Externship | NEUR | 5003 |
Maternal Fetal Medicine Externship | OBGN | 5005 |
Reproductive Endocrinology Externship | OBGN | 5006 |
Gynecologic Oncology Externship | OBGN | 5007 |
Benign Gynecology Externship | OBGN | 5008 |
Urogynecology Externship | OBGN | 5012 |
OB ED Elective | OBGN | 5017 |
Ophthalmology Externship | OPTH | 5001 |
Pediatric Cardiology Externship | PEDS | 5005 |
Pediatric Allergy Immunology Externship | PEDS | 5006 |
Pediatric Gastroenterology Externship | PEDS | 5011 |
Pediatric Infectious Disease Externship | PEDS | 5013 |
Newborn Nursery Externship | PEDS | 5014 |
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Externship | PEDS | 5017 |
Pediatric Endocrinology Externship | PEDS | 5020 |
Pediatric Pulmonology Externship | PEDS | 5022 |
Pediatric Assistantship at Special Needs Summer Camp | PEDS | 5035 |
Pediatrics Sub-specialties Externship | PEDS | 5036 |
Consult-Liaison Psychiatry Externship | PSRY | 5002 |
Eating Disorders Externship | PSRY | 5007 |
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Externship | PSRY | 5023 |
Psychiatric and Psychosocial Issues of HIV/AIDS | PSRY | 5028 |
Molecular Neurobiology of Treatment Outcome of Schizophrenia | PSRY | 5029 |
Psychiatry Research | PSRY | 5040 |
Addiction Psychiatry | PSRY | 5041 |
Emergency Psychiatry Externship | PSRY | 5043 |
Neurostimulation Externship | PSRY | 5044 |
Advanced Psychiatry Externship | PSRY | 5045 |
General Surgery Externship | SURG | 5003 |
Surgery Sub I | SURG | 5007 |
Surgery Sub I for Military Students | SURG | 5016 |
Robotic Surgery Externship | SURG | 5025 |
Neurosurgery Externship | SURG | 5200 |
Neurosurgery Externship & Research | SURG | 5203 |
Otolaryngology Externship | SURG | 5254 |
Pediatric Surgery Externship | SURG | 5300 |
Orthopedics Externship | SURG | 5275 |
Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Elective | OBGN | 5011 |
Obstetrics and Gynecology Advocacy Elective | OBGN | 5019 |
Rural Outpatient Gynecology | OBGN | 5020 |
Courses Open to Enrichment Students Only:
Advanced Dermatology | DERM 5003 |
Emergency Medicine Externship | EMED 5002 |
Emergency Ultrasound | EMED 5008 |
Emergency Medical Services | EMED 5014 |
Primary Care Sports Medicine | FMPC 5015 |
Family Medicine Procedures | FMPC 5019 |
Rheumatology Externship | GMED 5010 |
Hematology/Oncology Externship | GMED 5012 |
Nephrology Externship | GMED 5013 |
Rehabilitation Medicine Externship | GMED 5014 |
Pulmonology Externship | GMED 5023 |
Infectious Disease Externship | GMED 5025 |
Medicine Research | GMED 5028 |
Endocrinology Research | GMED 5039 |
Epidemiology Atlanta Externship | GMED 5056 |
CBL Medical Education Elective | MEDI 5014 |
Osler Apprenticeship in Neurology | NEUR 5012 |
Neuromuscular Disease | NEUR 5020 |
EMG Elective | NEUR 5022 |
Gynecology Boot Camp | OBGN 5016 |
Advanced Pediatrics | PEDS 5037 |
Radiation Therapy Externship | RONC 5006 |
Advanced Diagnostic Radiology Externship | RADM 5004 |
Vascular/Interventional Radiology Externship | RADM 5007 |
Surgery Boot Camp | SURG 5380 |