Experiential Learning is the application of medical knowledge and skills to structured clinical encounters.
Experiential Learning at the Medical College of Georgia leverages engaging, safe, interactive educational experiences to enhance the learning process allowing identification of knowledge gaps and empowering lifelong learning. By engaging physicians at all levels of training, from students through residency and fellowship to physicians in practice, Experiential Learning augments the traditional learning experience for a one of a kind educational program leading to excellence in patient care in Georgia.
To maximize patient outcomes through safe and learner-centered transformative medical education as the champions of
learning by doing.
Experiential Learning will increase the impact and extend the reach of MCG excellence across the continuum of medical education throughout the State of Georgia.
Education Simulation
Educational Simulation provides support to the Medical College of Georgia community in the design, development, and implementation of high quality formative and summative educational simulation activities.
Center for Ultrasound Education
Ultrasound is a transformative educational technology. It changes how we understand and teach physiology, makes anatomy more interactive, and demonstrates pathology in a dynamic way.
Telemedicine Education
Hospitals in rural Georgia are limited in their ability to care for patients with emergency conditions due to a lack of resources, and they often experience poorer health outcomes. Telemedicine Education trains medical professionals to provide quality care at a distance through the use of innovative technology.
Procedural Skills Education
Procedural Skills Education allows learners to practice a variety of bedside and operative procedures in a low-stakes setting. Through practice and feedback, students, residents, and physicians can achieve competence on a wide variety of procedures before ever performing them on a patient.