If you have cancer, you want the best and latest treatment. But is that treatment being offered to you in the best way?
Cancer Care Delivery Research, or CCDR, helps answer that question. It takes a closer look at how social factors, individual behaviors, organizational structures, health technologies, health care providers, financing, and how these factors make an impact on:
The Georgia Cancer Center is the lead site for this important research on behalf of Georgia CaRES and is coordinating these studies throughout its partner sites. Patients here in Georgia have the unique opportunity to be a part of nationwide studies and help improve how their own and others’ cancer treatment is delivered, including aspects that are sometimes overlooked.
The ultimate goal of CCDR is to ensure that each cancer patient has the best outcome, whatever the diagnosis, and that patients are empowered to make an informed decision about their own health care.
CCDR is particularly important for minority and underserved patients, who often experience financial or other roadblocks when receiving care. This research offers an opportunity for cancer treatment centers nationally and around the world to better understand the needs of minority and underserved patients when it comes to cancer treatment and care delivery.
For more about the National Cancer Institute’s CCDR program
Lead Investigator and Co-Investigator