
The Office of the Associate Dean for Research supports CAHS faculty efforts to identify, apply for, and successfully obtain grants for research. We encourage faculty to apply for grants with the government, foundations, and societies. The faculty in our College have a wide variety of research interests. We are enthusiastic about opportunities to collaborate with fellow expert researchers and clinicians with similar interests.


Mentorship Initiative

The CAHS Research Council will provide mentoring opportunities for full-time faculty with 5-30% effort allocated to research and scholarship.

This initiative has two tracks:

  • Manuscript preparation
  • Grant writing

The purpose of the initiative is to provide mentorship and support for faculty with limited experience and effort in this area. Projects are expected to be completed in a 12- to 18-month period and award recipients will receive $1000 support. This initiative and available funds is at the discretion of the Dean’s Office, and the available budget and number of awardees will be reviewed on an annual cycle.

All qualified faculty are encourage to apply!


Contact Us

  Chandramohan Wakade, MBBS
Associate Dean for Research