Internships are the first steps toward employment after graduation.
Internships may require copyediting or writing, for those are our strengths. We will try to match you with an internship that reflects your interests. Required steps:
Click here to get started | Have a conversation with Dr. Christina Heckman
Local organizations that have hosted our English interns in the past
Internships utilize the world language skills acquired to translate, interpret, teach Spanish, or teach English as second language.Required steps:
Click here to get started | Have a conversation with Dr. Christopher Botero
Local organizations that sponsor our world language interns
Career choices are as wide as you can imagine. Your first resource is your academic advisor. Make an appointment and start asking questions.
To learn more about career opportunities and job outlook information for English and World Language majors, students can schedule virtual and in-person appointments by calling 706-737-1604 or through Handshake. Visit the Career Services Major and Career Exploration page to access career and professional options for your major. Follow the link to Explore and select What Can I do with This Major?
Career Opportunities