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2nd Annual Marshall B. Allen, MD Symposium

promo image of artistic styled brain shapes

John Wilson, MD


John A. Wilson, MD, FAANS, FACS

Professor, Neurosurgery



  • Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Surgical Treatment of Vascular Malformations
  • Vascular Injury
  • Outcome Research in Spinal & Skull-based Surgery

Save the Date

  AUGUST 16, 2024



  SRP Park


Presented by:Augusta University Medical College of Georgia Neurosugery logo

SYmposium Info

Neurosurgery Newsletter, Fall 2023



MBA Symposium

 Save The date - 08.23.23 Marshall B. Allen, MD Symposium at SRP Park


Meet Dr. Hadley

Mark N Hadley MD

Dr. vale

Fernando Vale, MD   Among the 1st in the nation to perform Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Epilepsy



Fernando Vale, MD, a neurosurgeon who was an early user of a nonpharmacological therapy for treatment-resistant epilepsy called vagus nerve stimulation, this week became among the first in the nation to put a new implantable pulse generator into a patient with one of those early models, which enables her to benefit from the latest technology updates without having to replace her entire device.

Vale, the chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University and chief of functional and epilepsy neurosurgery at AU Health, placed the new generator in a 40-year-old patient who received her implant 23 years ago.

Dr. Vale Presenting

Annual Southern Neurosurgical Society Meeting Featured Guest, Fernando Vale, MD - Semmes Lecturer


Sneak Peak at Dr. Fernando Vale's memorable presentation during the annual SNS Meeting of 2023. 

"Challenges of a New Chair - Should I do it Again?" 

Dr. ValeDr. Vale

Fernando Vale, MD

Annual Southern Neurosurgical Society Meeting   Featured Guest, Fernando Vale, MD - Semmes Lecturer


Announcing the Honored Guests of Southern Neurosurgical Society- 2023

Annual Southern Neurosurgical Society Meeting


February 8-11, 2023
JW Marriott
Marco Island, FL


Register Here 


2022 awardees

Dr. Samuel Macomson, Dr. Khoi Nguyen, Dr. Lydia Kaoutzani, MD (PGY 5)


Medical College of Georgia’s EXEMPLARY TEACHING AWARDS AY2021/22


The award is given to recognize faculty and residents who have made a significant contribution in either undergraduate or graduate medical education at MCG in the past year.  Selection is based on learner evaluations, number of learners or teaching activities, and input from course directors and academic leadership. Faculty awardees include campus and community faculty from all of MCG’s campuses and from the clinical and basic sciences. 

This year, in addition to our faculty being recognized for their UME and/or GME teaching excellence, a set of residents and fellows are being recognized for their contributions to teaching and medical education at MCG. 


Congratulations to Dr. Samuel Macomson, Dr. Khoi Nguyen and PGY 5 Resident Dr. Lydia Kaoutzani 

Please see attached brochure that lists awardees by department and campus. 

List of awardees


Dr. Yalcin

Dr. Nilufer Yalcin


“AU/MCG Woman Who Inspires" for our 2022 Women In Medicine Month Campaign

Congratulations to Dr. Yalcin who was selected by her peers as “AU/MCG Woman Who Inspires". Your dedication to high quality patient care for our community is outstanding!

Dr. Yalcin

Parkinsons Foundation logo

Parkinson's Foundation


Beyond the Diagnosis: The Latest in Parkinson’s Medications and Surgical Treatments

Watch Video Here


Dr. Henson and Dr. Rutkowski


Cause for the Cure with Georgia Cancer Center: Brain Cancer Awareness Month

Ana meets with Dr. Henson and Dr. Rutkowski from Georgia Cancer Center to discuss brain cancer awareness, signs and symptoms, and treatment options. 

Watch Interview here


Patient Wendy Johnson

Dr. Martin Rutkowski's patient Wendy Johnson


‘Scared for my life’: Woman travels to AU for a complex brain surgery

Her doctor in Albany sent her to AU Health. They knew whatever was going on would need complex surgery. Dr. Martin Rutkowski suspected it was a benign tumor outside the brain stem.

“In this case it was actually a lesion or a mass inside the brain stem itself. I was pretty surprised to see that, and at that point, the operation would be that much more complicated,” said Rutkowski, a neurosurgeon at AU Health.......... (Click below to read more) 


Click for Wendy's VIDEO



Dr. Vaibhav

Dr. Kumar Vaibhav 


Congratulating Dr. Kumar Vaibhav on receiving the 2022  

Distinguished Faculty Recognition Award

Neurosurgical Meeting

Southern Neurosurgical Society Pictures 


Southern Neurosurgical Society Meeting 2022- Hollywood, FL

Tibbs Doctors in Florida Jay Howington Amir Ahmadian


Fernando Vale: Past president 2014 & Phil Tibbs: Past President 2010

Jon Robertson, Harry van Loveren & Fernando Vale

Jay Howington: SNS President 2022, MCG alumni & Fernando Vale 

Amir Ahmadian : MCG alumni & Fernando Vale 

Martin and Chris

Dr. Martin Rutkowski and PGY 7 Resident Dr. Chris Banerjee


MCG Exemplary Teaching Awards AY2020/21

The award is given to recognize faculty and residents who have made a significant contribution in either undergraduate or graduate medical education at MCG in the past year.  Selection is based on learner evaluations, number of learners or teaching activities, and input from course directors and academic leadership. Faculty awardees include campus and community faculty from all of MCG’s campuses and from the clinical and basic sciences. 

This year, in addition to our faculty being recognized for their UME and/or GME teaching excellence, a set of residents and fellows are being recognized for their contributions to teaching and medical education at MCG. 


Congratulations to Dr. Martin Rutkowski and Resident, Dr. Chris Banerjee 

Please see attached brochure that lists awardees by department and campus. 

List of awardees


Vale and Patient

Dr. Fernando Vale and epilepsy patient Sy Raulerson


A Thank You From His Family

"I just wanted to show y'all the man who has taken such wonderful care of my husband. Dr. Fernando Vale has been more than amazing!!! Well him & his entire staff. So many prayers have already been answered & I just want to thank everyone who continued to pray for Sy. Our family appreciates every single one of you." - wife of the patient. 

Rutkowski and Baban

Dr. Martin Rutkowski and Dr. Babak Baban


Marijuana ingredient could be therapy for a deadly brain tumor, Augusta University finds. 

One of the active ingredients in marijuana and hemp could show promise in fighting a deadly and aggressive brain tumor, said researchers at Augusta University. It could help target an immune-blocking enzyme first discovered at the school more than 20 years ago...

read more 

Lady with baby

Toni Phillips and neurosurgeon Dr. Martin Rutkowski 


North Augusta woman, hardened by faith, survives lengthy surgeries, emergency birth.

" Rutkowski actually cleared his schedule that morning to meet with them because he could tell it was urgent. Toni had an epidermoid tumor, where a cell makes a wrong turn and begins reproducing as a skin cell inside the skull and forms a tumor. While it is not cancerous, "they grow and they create problems because they put pressure on the brain," Rutkowski said, which was the cause of her symptoms.

In Toni's case, it was a massive problem.

"Hers was by far the biggest I’ve ever seen," Rutkowski said, about nine centimeters – around 3.5 inches. On the MRI, it looked as if took up nearly a third of her brain, Zach said.

It would not be easy to take out. Rutkowski laid out a treatment plan for Toni that involved two or three long surgeries but there was an equally compelling consideration about what to do about her unborn child. " .......

rutkowskitoni and baby

lady with baby

Read her story here

Epilepsy patient news

(left to right) Rachel Poston, PA-C, Fernando Vale, MD, James Smith (Patient) , Debra Moore-hill, MD, MPH , Smith's Grandmother 


“I was terrified, but laughter is the best medicine”: Special haircut helps North Florida man prepare for brain surgery

“If I can inspire someone to find the humor in that bad situation, no matter what they’re going through,” James Smith said. “You got to be positive. There’s sunshine after the rain.”

Smith said he’s now living every day without fear of another seizure.




Ezequiel Yasuda

Dr. Ezequiel Yasuda


Dr. Ezequiel Yasuda from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Traveling Observership Fellow awardee - FLANC 2021

2021 WYNN Symposium Poster

WYNN Symposium Highlights


The symposium was a success!

Thank you to the speakers, sponsors and everyone who came to support our event. 


Pictures from the Symposium

Group photo of Dr. Volcan's second edition book

Dr. Ildemaro J. Volcan


Dr. Ildemaro J. Volcan shares the second edition of his book eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF) with the Neurosurgery Department. 

Dr. Volcan's Book cover: eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF)

Fernando Vale

Fernando Vale, MD


AU becomes FLANC certified

August 2021- Augusta University was named a certified FLANC center for educational training of Latin American Neurosurgeons.  Initiated by Department of Neurosurgery Chairman, Dr. Fernando Vale, this certification could allow Latin American Neurosurgeons to observe and further their learning opportunities at Augusta University.

Dr. Rutkowski

Martin Rutkowski, MD


Dr. Rutkowski speaks with News Channel 6 about a new imaging agent will soon be available at the Georgia Cancer Center that will make brain tumors more visible to surgeons. It’s called Gleolan and it turns malignant brain tumors fluorescent pink. This makes the tumors easier for neurosurgeons to see and separate from brain tissue.

...Read More

Dr. Dion Macomson

Dion Macomson, MD

Dion Macomson, MD, wins MCG Exemplary Teaching Award 2019/2020! 

Congrats to Dr. Macomson!

Dr. John Vender

John Vender, MD


Receives the Intramural Grant Program Award for his project "Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Traumatic Brain Injury". 

Congrats Dr. Vender!!

save the date mini

1st annual What's New in Neurosurgery and Neurology meeting


1st annual What's New in Neurosurgery and Neurology on October 2, 2021.

-Learn about current best practices and advances in neurosurgery and neurology

-Free CME program featuring many distinguished speakers

-Opportunities to exhibit, advertise, and provide workshop support

Register here 


Dr. Dion Macomson

Dion Macomson, MD


is appointed AOA Co-Councilor, effective January 1, 2021.

Dr. Kumar Vaibhav

Kumar Vaibhav, PhD


receives the 2020 AURI Research Award for Emerging Scientist!

macomson teaching

Dion Macomson, MD


wins MCG Exemplary Teaching Award 2018/2019! 

Congrats to Dr. Macomson!

kris web

Kris Dhandapani, PHD,


wins the TGS Distinguished Research Award for 2019-2020!  Nominations for this award were solicited from all TGS faculty, and the award was voted on by members of the Graduate Council. 


Todd A. Maugans, MD


Todd A. Maugans, MD, pediatric neurosurgery, joins the Department of Neurosurgery.
Dr. Todd Maugans comes to us from the University of Central Florida College of Medicine where he has served as the Chairman for Neurosurgery Education, Professor of Neurosurgery, and as the Chief of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Division. He attended medical school at Temple University School of Medicine.


Martin J. Rutkowski, MD


Martin J. Rutkowski, MD, skull base complex cranial surgery, joins the Department of Neurosurgery.
Dr. Martin Rutkowski comes to us from the University of Southern California. He is a post-doctoral fellow of UCSF's Neuro-Oncology Laboratory of Manish Aghi, MD, PhD., where he studied pituitary adenoma pathogenesis.  He was a research fellow at UCSF Neuro-Oncology Labratory of Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD, where he studied innate immune-mediated mechanisms of glioblastoma pathogenesis. He attended medical school at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and did his residency at UCSF.

Dr. Nathan Todnem

Resident Nathan Todnem, MD 


PGY-7 Resident Nathan Todnem, MD  wins the award for Best Resident Presentation at the Fall Georgia Neurosurgical Society meeting in Lake Oconee, GA, December 2018.  Dr. Todnem was also a (top 10) finalist for Resident of the Year 2018-2019, competing with 535 residents at Augusta Univeristy! 

Well done, Dr. Todnem!

Dr. Alexander Post

Alexander Post, MD


Alexander Post, MD joins the Department of Neurosurgery.
Dr. Dhandapani

Krishnan C. Dhandapani, PhD


• Scientific reviewer, Paralyzed  Veterans of America, 2017-18
• Scientific reviewer, Department of Defense – CDMRP Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine study section, scientific reviewer, 2017
• Scientific reviewer, Department of Defense – CDMRP-Vision Research Program; Technology/
Therapeutic – Device Development study section, scientific reviewer, 2018
• Scientific reviewer, Department of Defense/CDMRP – Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine 
Research Program. Ocular Trauma study section, scientific reviewer, 2018

Newsletter: Neuroscience Outlook

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