
The Faculty Appointments, Development, Promotions, and Tenure Committee (FADPT) shall consist of nine members, at least five of which must be tenured, the MCG Faculty Senate president serves as an ex-officio voting member. Committee members must hold the rank of associate professor or above and will serve for three-year rotating terms. The chair shall hold the rank of professor and shall have served previously as a member of the committee for at least one year and will serve for two consecutive years. There will be a proportional representation of pre-clinical and clinical departments on the committee, based on their number of faculty, in so far as possible.


This committee serves in a joint capacity with the dean of the Medical College of Georgia and the president of Augusta University.  It reviews and makes recommendations on all matters regarding faculty promotions or tenure referred to it by the dean. Only tenured members of the committee will vote on tenure decisions, a minimum of five tenured committee members being required for vote on tenure. The committee shall operate under the existing policies adopted for it by the Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate.

FADPT Committee Membership:

Scott Barman, PhD, Tenure, Chair (2025)
Martha Tingen, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Ashok Sharma, PhD, Tenure (2025) 
Matthew Boegehold, PhD, Tenure (2026)
Pamela Martin, PhD, Tenure (2026)
Amol Sharma, MD, Medicine, (2026)
Wendy Bollag, PhD, Tenure (2024)
Sergei Kirov, PhD, Tenure (2024)
Eric Belin De Chantemele, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Vishal Arora,MD, MCG Faculty Senate President, ex-officio

Pre-tenure Review Standing Committee:

Scott Barman, PhD, Tenure, Chair (2025)
Eric Belin De Chantemele, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Ashok Sharma, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Martha Tingen, PhD, Tenure (2025)
David Stepp, PhD, Tenure (2025)

Post-tenure Review Standing Committee:

Scott Barman, PhD, Tenure, Chair (2025)
Eric Belin De Chantemele, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Ashok Sharma, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Martha Tingen, PhD, Tenure (2025)
David Stepp, PhD, Tenure (2025)
Wendy Bollag, PhD, Tenure (2024)
Sergei Kirov, PhD, Tenure (2024)
Katie Davis, PhD, Tenure (2024)
Pamela Martin, PhD, Tenure (2026)


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