There are two popular ways that the Educational Innovation Institute recommends distributing research surveys at the Medical College of Georgia and beyond: One45 & Qualtrics.
One45 is a web-based system for Medical School administrators, students, faculty (including those in the community), residents and program staff. It can be used as a tool for your medical education research project and surveying medical students.
One45 is a great tool for disseminating surveys to MCG medical students.
Please visit the Department of Evaluation Service’s website and click on the link for submitting to the Educational Research Review Process: Evaluation Services.
Qualtrics is an easy to use web-based tool for creating and conducting online surveys. Qualtrics is a frequently used tool in the EII for sending surveys out to participants who are not MCG medical students. Augusta University has a university account, and your login can be obtained by going to the AU Qualtrics website and creating your own account. You must use your e-mail address (NETID). Select “New User?” prompt. No passcode is required.
After the account is created, please use the Help & Feedback button on any of the pages, click Visit Qualtrics University, click Survey Platform, then click Getting Started, then choose Survey Platform Overview.
After you view the overview, going through Step 1: Beginning to Build should get you started with Qualtrics. Once you have your account, visit Qualtrics University for FAQ.
When you are ready to do your research, contact the EII for a consult.