Yutao Liu
Academic Appointment(s)
Medical College of Georgia
Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy
The Graduate School
Department of The Graduate School
Dr. Liu is a human geneticist studying the genetic etiology of glaucoma and keratoconus. He is good at applying high-throughput sequencing, genotyping, and integrative genomic technologies to his ocular genetics research.
Ph.D., Genome Sciences/Genomics
University of Tennessee, 2006
MS, Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Truman State University, 2001
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
GNMD 8060
Genomic Medicine Seminar
GNMD 9210
Inves of a Prob Genomic Med
ANAT 9210
Invest of a Problem
ANAT 9300
ANAT 5002
RSCH Elective in Anatomy
GNMD 8051
Translational Genom/Proteomic
GNMD 8052
Func Geno & Prote Using Anml M
VBIO 8010
Methods in Cardiovascular Rese
BIOM 8022
Molecular Cell Biology
ANAT 8050
Graduate Histology
Selected Recent Publications
- , 2022
- , 2022
- , 2022
Journal Article, Professional Journal
- , 2022
- , 2022
Research Interests
Our research is to identify and characterize the role of genetic factors in primary open-angle glaucoma and keratoconus. We are also interested in the role of exosome and its miRNA/protein contents in aging-related disorders.