Rhea Markowitz

Dir, Cancer Ctr Grant Develop

Rhea Markowitz

Dir, Cancer Ctr Grant Develop

Other Faculty

Academic Appointment(s)

Medical College of Georgia
Department of Medicine


Institutional Administrative Responsibilities Note institutional name changes: Effective 2/1/2011, Medical College of Georgia (MCG) became Georgia Health Sciences University (GHSU); effective 1/8/2013, GHSU became Georgia Regents University (GRU); effective 12/1/2015, GRU became Augusta University (AU).
Current service in boldface.
Educational liaison for Institute of Molecular Medicine & Genetics (IMMAG) and local colleges and high schools.
Established and coordinated ASU (Augusta State University) - IMMAG Undergraduate Research Program.
1999 University System of Georgia Research Symposium: theme leader for Cancer Consortium and member of Planning Committee.
Institutional Review Board (formerly known as Human Assurance Committee), July 1, 1999 – present; Recipient of 25-Year Service Award, 11/1/2024.
Member of Ad Hoc Genetic Testing Subcommittee of Human Assurance Committee; major author of Guidelines for Use of Biological Specimens in Genetic Research, adopted 10/25/99; Ad Hoc Committee for reviewing Genetic Research Guidelines, 2005.
Family Advisory Council of Children’s Medical Center (now known as Children’s Hospital of Georgia), 1999 to 2010.
Established and directed Undergraduate Research Programs (SMURP and McGURP), 11/99 to 10/02.
Prepared (compiled and wrote) research brochure for IMMAG, 2000, 2004.
2000 University System of Georgia Research Symposium: MCG representative to Planning Committee and poster judge 5/00.
Scientific consultant for Medical College of Georgia Tomorrow (published 3/01 to market the Research Mission of MCG).
Graduate Research Day Committee and Poster Judge, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Poster Judge, Essentials of Clinical Medicine, 4/22/02.
Cancer Center Steering Committee, MCG, 2002.
Developed, organized, and ran Academic Administrators’ Workshop (from Office of the Provost), January 15, 2003; offered as Continuing Education Course.
Developed Handbook for Academic Administrators’ Workshop and production of materials onto CD-ROM.
Home Page Graphic Design Committee, 2003.
Taught Writing & Oral Communication Workshop to STAR students, 6/03.
Coordinated, wrote, and managed the submission of Extramural Research Facilities Construction: Immunotherapy Center (NIH construction grant); PI, David Stern, MD; $4 million requested. At the request of Dean Stern, I coordinated this massive effort and did much of the writing for this institutional proposal. Submitted 2/03 and resubmitted 11/03.
Geriatric Education Center proposal in consortium with UGA. At the request of the Provost, I coordinated a steering committee to submit this proposal, 1/04.
Policy Officer for Academic Affairs: Established Academic, Research, and Student Affairs (ARSA) Policy Library and managed the policy development process. 2004-2012. This policy library formed the basis of the current AU Policy Library.
International Graduate Exchange Trainee Program with Wuhan University School of Medicine, Hubei Province, and Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University Medical School, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China: Assistant Program Director, 2005 to 2011 (program terminated).
Taught courses for Human Resources Training & Development: Grant Writing 101 and Scientific Writing, 2-3 times yearly, 2004 to 2015.
Teaching: Scientific Writing, 5-part lecture series, Wuhan University School of Medicine, Hubei, China, 10/2004, 3/2008; Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 3/2008; Jianghan University and Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 11/2011, 4/2013; Confucius Institute at GRU, 11/2014.
Teaching: Writing Quality Grant Applications, for Post-doc Career Enhancement Series, 12/10/2004.
Coordinated and managed submission of grant to Institute for Healthcare Improvement—Quality Allies for MCG’s Center for Patient and Family Centered Care, PI, Patricia Sodomka, 8/2005. Grant funded.
Web Policy Council, 2005.
IFL Focus Group, 2005.
MyMCG Brainstorming Group, 2005.
Teaching: Scientific Writing for Non-Native English Speakers, for faculty, post-docs, students, and staff; 2/15/2005 and 2/22/2005, 11/2006, 9/2007, 2/2008.
Teaching: Scientific Writing, School of Nursing graduate course NSG 8620, Measurement in Health Research: 12/2006.
Faculty Manual Revision Task Group, 2005.
Mandatory Faculty Orientation Program Task Force, 2006.
Coordinated and managed submission of grant to Agency for Health Care Research & Quality (AHRQ) for MCG’s Center for Patient and Family Centered Care, PI, Patricia Sodomka, 2/2007. Grant funded.
Work Group on Global Health: 2009-2010.
SACS Accreditation Faculty Compliance Committee: 2009-2011.
Management Team, Division of Visual & Instructional Design, 4/2010-5/2011.
Protocol Review & Monitoring Committee, Scientific Administrator, 5/2012-5/2022.
“New U” Consolidation Teams: Immigration Services & Global Affairs: International Programs Team: 2012.
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Accreditation Site Visit Readers Team: 2013.
Teaching: Grant Writing, Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE), (July) 2014-2017, 2019-present.
Teaching: How to Write a Scientific Paper for an English-Language Journal and Common Difficulties in Writing Encountered by Non-Native English Speakers; faculty from Jianghan University School of Medicine visiting the Confucius Institute at GRU, November, 2014.
Teaching Professional Skills Development workshops to Georgia Cancer Center Emerging Biomedical Professionals EBPs): 2018: Elements of Scientific Writing; Common Difficulties Encountered by Non-Native English Speakers, How to Write a Scientific Paper; 2019, 2022: Grant Writing 101.
Major Committee Assignments (see other committees above)Institutional Review Board (formerly known as Human Assurance Committee), July 1, 1999 – present; Recipient of 25-Year Service Award, 11/1/2024.
SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) Accreditation Faculty Compliance Committee: 2009-2011.
Protocol Review & Monitoring Committee, Scientific Administrator, 2012-2022.
Coordinator, Faculty (Basic Science) Recruitment Committee, Georgia Cancer Center, 2012-2014.
SACS Commission on Colleges Accreditation Site Visit Readers Team: 2013.

  • (706) 721-7916
  • CN 2210


  • Ph.D., Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Albert Einstein College of Med, 1984

  • MS, Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Albert Einstein College of Med, 1979

  • BA, Bio, General Boston University, 1971


Selected Recent Publications

  • Rare occurrence of Hb Lepore-Baltimore in African Americans: Molecular characteristics and variations of Hb Lepores, 2009
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • Identification of the chinese IVS-II-654 (C→T) β-thalassemia mutation in an immigrant Turkish family: Recurrence or migration?, 1999
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • Induction of HLA-G-specific human CD8+ T cell lines by stimulation across a polymorphism of HLA-G, 1999
    Journal Article, Academic Journal