Michael Vitacco
Academic Appointment(s)
School of Public Health
Department of Community & Behavioral Health Sciences
I earned my graduate degree in clinical psychology from the University of North Texas. I completed specialized training in forensic psychology from UNC and UMASS medical schools.
- (706) 723-4396
- Pavilion 3 - CJ2300
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
University of North Texas, 2003
MS, Clinical Psychology
University of North Texas, 2002
BS, Psychology, Other
University of Wisconsin - Oshk, 1993
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
MPHS 8400
Social Behavioral Change
MEDI 6220
MEDI 6240
Teaching Interests
My areas of teaching are focused on issues related to psychology and the law including violence risk assessment, feigning, social media, competency to stand trial, and the insanity defense. I also teach case-based learning to first-year medical students.
Selected Recent Publications
- Using Social Media Data in Forensic Evaluations: Addressing Bias, 2022
Book, Chapter in Textbook-New
- Jail-based competency restoration: What’s out there and what’s missing. , 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- MMPI-2-RF Differences Between Violent Offending and Institutional Violence Among Incarcerated Women, 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Risk assessment and provisional discharge: Predictive utility of the HCR-20., 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Conditional release and cannabis use: Concerns and challenges for community reintegration, 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Research Interests
My areas of research include violence risk assessment, feigning, social media, competency to stand trial, and the insanity defense.