Lisa Daitch

Department Chair

Lisa Daitch

Department Chair


Academic Appointment(s)

College of Allied Health Sciences
Department of Physician Assistant Program

College of Allied Health Sciences
Department of Physician Assistant

  • (706) 721-0447
  • (706) 721-3990
  • EC 3304


  • MS, Physician Assistant University of Nebraska Medical, 2002

  • BS, Physician Assistant Medical College of Georgia, 1998

  • BA, Business Administration and Management, General University of South Carolina -, 1985


  • NCCPA Board Certification in Family Practice, NCCPA Board , 1998

  • Controlled Substance Registration Certificate Drug Enforcement Administration, 2017

  • Physician Assisitant GA Composite Medical Board, 1998

  • PHA GA Board of Medical Examiners, 1999

  • NCCPA Surgical Board Certification, NCCPA Surgical Board , 1998

Awards & Honors

  • 2015 Faculty Achievement Award Georgia Association of Physician Assisitants, 2015

  • Faculty Research Award School of Allied Health Sciences , 2010

  • Foundation Community Service Award Healthcare Georgia Foundation , 2008

  • School of Allied Health Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award 2008

  • American Academy of Physician Assistants feature article on sickle cell anemia AAPA News Magazine , 2007

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • PHAS 5100

    Ethics and Professional Issues
  • PHAS 6027

    Adult Medicine Practicum
  • PHAS 5230

    Clin Skills Integra & App II
  • PHAS 5227

    Hematology and Oncology
  • PHAS 6110

    Research/Masters Project
  • PHAS 5140

    Clin Skill Integration & App I
  • PHAS 6035

    Family Medicine Practicum
  • PHAS 5134

    Infectious Diseases
  • PHAS 5015

    Medical Communications
  • PHAS 5115

    Physical Assessment


Selected Recent Publications

  • Multiple System Atrophy, 2018
    Journal Article, Professional Journal
  • Sickle Cell Disease - Chapter 11 Editor, 2018
    Book, Chapter in Textbook-Revised
  • Breaking the Silence about Vulvar Lichen Sclerosis, 2017
    Journal Article, Professional Journal
  • Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: The Psychosocial Implications of ADHD in Adults, 2016
    Journal Article, Professional Journal
  • When a Right Flank Mass Proves Ominous. An Unexpected Case of Malignant Mesothelioma, 2015
    Journal Article, Professional Journal

Department Service

  • Admissions Director 2014 - Present

    Role: Other
  • Physician Assistant Pre-Tenure Review Committee 2008 - Present

    Role: Committee Chair
  • Faculty Preceptor at Christ Church Health Promotion Clinic 2006 - Present

    Role: Faculty Mentor
  • Physician Assistant Faculty Search Committee 2006 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • Christ Church Health Clinic 2006 - 2014

    Role: Faculty Advisor

College Service

  • OT/PA Department Chair Search 2018 - 2018

    Role: Committee Member
  • First Annual Physician Assistant Recruitment/Informational Session 2018 - 2018

    Role: Committee Chair
  • PA Department Professionalism Committee 2017 - 2018

    Role: Committee Chair
  • Advanced Practice Provider Institutional Steering Committee 2016 - 2017

    Role: Committee Member
  • College of Allied Health Science, Faculty Practice Asset Review Committee 2016 - 2017

    Role: Committee Member

University Service

  • Primary Care APP Pilot Team Committee 2017 - Present

    Role: Prepare/Grade Certification Exams
  • Advanced Practice Provider Institutional Steering Committee 2016 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • Institutional Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Executive Director Search Committee 2011 - 2011

    Role: Committee Member
  • Institutional Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Development Committee 2010 - 2011

  • Education Coordinator, Adult Sickle Cell Center, Medical College of Georgia, 2001 - 2006

Professional Service

  • Physician Assistant Cancer Education (PACE) 2010 - Present

    Role: Other
  • Christ Church Health Promotion Disease Prevention Clinic 2006 - Present

    Role: Other
  • Georgia Association of Physician Assistants 2015 - 2015

    Role: Committee Member
  • Sickle Cell Adult Provider Network Executive Steering Committee 2005 - 2009

    Role: Member