Elizabeth VanDeusen

Director of AU Literacy Center

Elizabeth VanDeusen

Director of AU Literacy Center

Associate Professor

Academic Appointment(s)

College of Education and Human Development
Department of Teaching and Leading

College of Education and Human Development
Department of College of Education and Human Development

Department of Graduate School

Other Duties

Cree Walker Endowed Chair, College of Education and Human Development


  • Ph.D., Reading Teacher Education Oakland University, 2009

  • MA, Education/Teaching of Individu Eastern Michigan University, 1995

  • BS, Education/Teaching of Individu Eastern Michigan University, 1988

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • ELED 3271

    Child Lit to Teach Reading
  • EDUC 2900

    Literacy Tutoring/Mentoring L.
  • EDTD 7950

    Adv Topics in Content Area Ins: Science of Reading