Brian Rust


Brian Rust


Academic Appointment(s)

Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Department of Art and Design


Born and raised in Washington State. Attended UW in Seattle and UC Berkeley. Have been an artist/sculpture professor for 25 years.

  • (706) 667-4869
  • WH 232C


  • MFA, Sculpture University of California, Berk, 1989

  • BFA, Sculpture University of Washington, 1986

  • AA, Art/Art Studies, General Columbia Basin College, 1981

Awards & Honors

  • Merit Award LaGrange National Biennial Juried Exhibition XXVIII, LaGrange Museum of Art,, 2014

  • EcoArt 2013, Proposal Award LexArts, 2013

  • Award of Merit, 2012 Juried Art Exhibition Belton Center for the Arts, Belton SC, 2012

  • Award of Merit 2010 LaGrange National Biennial XXVI Exhibition, La Grange Museum, Ga, 2010

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • ART 1211

    Drawing I
  • ART 4321

    Sculpture: Casting
  • ART 1530

    Three Dimensional Design
  • HONR 3900H

    Honors: Breaking Boundaries
  • ART 4950

    Selected Topics: Selected Topics Artist Journal
  • ART 2010

    The Marvel of Art: Study Abroad: Italy Trip
  • ART 3311

    Sculpture: Carving I

Teaching Interests

sculpture, foundations, humanities, and study abroad with an art/ art appreciation emphasis.


Selected Recent Publications

  • Third LaGrange Regional Juried Exhibiiton , 2020
    Art - Exhibition, Competitive
  • Out of History , 2019
    Art - Exhibition, One-Person
  • 2020 Southern Art Prize, 2019
    Art - Exhibition, Competitive
  • the art collection , the Hull-McKnight Building , 2018
  • art exhibition, 2016
    Art - Exhibition, Invitational

Research Interests

sculpture, installation, landscape architecture, humanities/art appreciation

Department Service

  • assisting Studio Tech in learning tool and studio operations. 2016 - Present

    Role: Mentor
  • Search committee, Morris Scholar 2019 - 2020

    Role: Committee Member
  • hosted visiting artist in sculpture lab 2020 - 2020

    Role: Other
  • Sculpture/Ceramics lab renovation committee 2016 - 2019

    Role: Committee Member
  • Student Scholarship for Chautuaqua art school 2018 - 2019

    Role: Other

College Service

  • humanities subcommittee 2017 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • Pamplin College Promotion and Tenure Committee 2017 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • Pamplin College Strategic Planning Committee 2017 - 2018

    Role: Committee Member
  • Pamplin College Faculty Council 2016 - 2018

    Role: Committee Member
  • Instep Undergraduate Initative Group 2016 - 2017

    Role: Faculty Advisor

University Service

  • Pamplin Dean Search Committee 2016 - 2017

    Role: Committee Member

Professional Service

  • external reviewer University of Alabama school of art 2019 - 2019

    Role: Reviewer
  • Grater Augusta Arts Council /arts in the heart festival 2019 - 2019

  • Greaqter Augusta Arts Council 2017 - 2017

    Role: Other
  • Sapelo State of the Arts Conference Logistics Coordinator 2015 - 2016

    Role: Program Organizer
  • External Reviewer for Indiana University NW 2016 - 2016

    Role: Reviewer

Public Service

  • Greater Augusta Arts Council NEA Grant proposal advisor 2016 - 2018

    Role: Other
  • Greater Augusta Arts Council Autumn Artist Roundtable 2016

    Role: Guest Speaker